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  1. Definitely wasn't saying you shouldn't be nice to people. I say hi to people in passing, too. It's the emptiness of posting something like "reach out to a veteran" or "tell your loved ones you love them" on Facebook and the way that makes survivors feel: i.e. that they didn't reach out enough / do enough to help / didn't love the deceased enough. It indirectly places blame and results in guilt. FWIW - my husband's death was a complete and utter 100% shock to absolutely everyone. Some people are really good at hiding the extent of their suffering.
  2. I've been lurking on here for a bit... husband took his life just 3 months ago (feels like forever and yesterday at the same time). Anyways, this post really spoke to me. I don't think people who aren't actually directly dealing with a death such as this really get it. I was super pissed about this the other day, and have taken to writing down my thoughts. This is what I wrote: "I get so frustrated when people say “reach out to a veteran” or “a reminder to call your loved ones and tell them that you love them,” as if your death would have been prevented by some random person calling you and being like, “U ok bro?” It’s so patronizing. It makes everyone who deeply loved you feel like shit. Like, if we would have told you that we loved you just one more time than normal that day, you would have been cured. It’s like if someone died from cancer and someone said, “make sure to take an organic cold pressed juice to a cancer patient.” It might make said cancer patient feel better for a little bit, but it wouldn’t cure them. You knew how loved you were. I know you did. And you loved those who loved you just as hard. But I also know that you weren’t thinking rationally, your reality was warped, and in those moments the good things in your life weren’t even close to being on your radar." Anyways, I think of you all every day, even though I don't know you personally. Maybe I will start posting more
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