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Does anyone else just feel emotionally numb sometimes?

Like my life is just, I don't know, blah?!

I'm busy, with the kids, with school and just recently I started a casual position at a shelter for abused women. But I still feel just whatever about it all. I'm not depressed, sad, anything like that. I do have moments of happiness for sure, but mostly I just feel like what's the point. There is something missing from my life, obvious answer is my dh, but it's more than that.. Hard to explain.


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I was pretty numb and just going through the motions for quite a while. Feelings related to my grief were intense and emotions about anything else were muted. That seems to be changing and simple things like appreciating the beauty of this fall season in New England are deeper and more genuine. I still find myself to be a bit numb to tragedies that don't affect me or those I care about.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Numbness. That describes this perfectly. I thought I was healing, getting better, getting beyond the loss. I was a caregiver. His death was as much a relief as it was anything else. But it's those damn little things. I wake up, get the kids off to school, go back to bed (just cause I'm alone). I eventually roll out of bed, cause I don't want the kids to see how much I hurt every day, how alone I am.


I thought I had moved on. Started seeing someone, a fellow widower that I've been friends with since we were teens. I thought it was helping. I was wrong.


I'm lost. I'm alone. I'm numb. And I don't know how to change it. I'm just glad that I'm not the only one. Sorry for intruding on your post and talking about me. Your post just hit exactly what I've been feeling.

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Cyndidd, no intrusion whatsoever. It's a relief for me to know I'm not alone in how I feel!

That's what I love about this place..no matter how you are feeling, chances are someone out there is feeling the same or has felt that way at some point. It normalizes our emotions.

Thank you for posting.

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