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504 Plan?

Guest TooSoon

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Guest TooSoon

So my daughter has some learning issues with both math and writing.  They are very specific issues - an inability to master basic math facts and motor issues with writing.  She was tested but had scores too high for an IEP (which is what we call accommodations here in PA).  She's been able to maneuver around the deficits so far, relying on her other strengths but it is catching up with her and she needs more help. 


Some of you know my travails with my daughter's education - she's lopsided in her strengths (huge vocab, great with conceptual/visual thinking) and weaknesses and I'm worried she's going to fall behind and not be able to rely on her strengths to make it up much longer without frustration. 


I'm trying to work with the school but they're not being helpful.  It is a very good school, too, but they keep insisting all they can do for her is a 504 plan.  Does anyone know what can be included in a 504 plan?  Should I have her tested privately?  If I do that and she tests below the mean or average or whatever, does the school then have to provide accommodations? 


I hate to see such a vibrant, smart kid get lost in the shuffle (yes, I am biased but there are a few people here who will vouch for me when I say that) and I am worried about fast-forwarding into middle school having not helped her address these two issues. 


That she won't brush her hair is her own problem but this one I have to help resolve.



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I think the differences between IEP's and 504 plans is that children with IEP's can get specialized instruction, where as with 504 Plans, they can get accommodations.  It seems to me that at her still relatively young age, they would want to supplement with instruction in math and possibly occupational therapy for her fine motor concerns.  If they think she doesn't meet the criteria for special education (extra instruction), then you might have to find her a good tutor.  An assessment by an OT would be worthwhile.  It seems, to me, at least, that it is too early to give up on trying to figure out how she can learn strategies with math facts, for instance, but I'm not sitting there seeing the kinds of things they teach at her age.  An accommodation might be letting her use a calculator for her math problems or subsections of them.  If they are trying to determine if she understands what functions are needed in a word problem, for instance, she can show that knowledge by using the correct functions on a calculator.  Some students eventually get the accommodation of using a computer/word processor for writing.  Only you and her teachers can figure out when it is time to accept limitations and when and where accommodations make the most sense.


Hugs to both of you,





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TS, we need to catch up with each other this weekend if we can. I was just looking into the 504 plan issue today for T. C has had an IEP since elementary school. Memorizing the math facts were an issue for him as well, yet he never got less than 100% on a spelling test. Just the way his brain is wired.


Maureen is right about accommodations vs specialized instruction. Here is a video I found earlier today explaining the difference:




C also had fine motor issues that impacted his writing (although we determined visual-spatial issues were impacting it as well). He did have OT services in elementary school.


Hopefully we can talk. I really do agree it is best to get this set up while she's in elementary vs further along the way. Getting C approval to use a calculator was no small feat, but persistence pays off.

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