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A bit of April Fool's levity?


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My Eldest daughter is 8 and she's become a GREAT fan of April Fool's. No idea why. She even made a bag full of paper fish to stick on people's backs (we're French-speaking and in our world, April Fool's is called April Fish day. The most common, old school prank is to quietly stick a paper fish in someone's back so that they walk around with it all day.)


Last night, I left aside my chores and frustrations for a moment to join her in her enthusiasm. So after the girls went to sleep, I changed all their clothes drawers around. Then I switched them beds (they slept through it). I also pranked the nanny by changing the kitchen ustensil drawers around.


It took no effort, but wow, this morning, it was like I bought her a car. She was SO psyched by the pranks I had played on her. She immediately came into my room to give me a big hug (a rather non-subtle way to stick a fish in my back). And she said something that really warmed my heart:


"Maman, is every family fun enough that they play pranks in the morning of April Fool's?"


I don't know, but hope you can all share a little bit of fun with your families today, still 9 hours to go...

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What a great story! My sister and my niece, who is 10, also made paper fish today, but they actually live in France. What a fun tradition, can't wait till my daughter is older to start this trend in US ;-)


My LH loved doing goofy pranks, and he did get me every year with one of his "masterpieces". No one pranked me today, miss him...

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