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Small but cheerful accomplishments


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My “new” avatar is me in my first party dress my mom made for me years ago.  The photo reminds me of youthful life expectations.

Anyhow, as we all know life can throw curve balls!  What I like to share is some small accomplishments while navigating widowhood. 

My husband was the “tool man”.  He knew every type of tool that exists and was very proficient in the work he did at the company for over 30 years.  He had his own tool chest which reached over 6 feet tall at work.  About a month before he died, I made space in our house for the chest to be moved back home since it was expected he could not return to work due to his health.  A co-worker with a truck helped bring the chest into our house.

  It was one thing knowing what each tool did what.  That will be another day for me to figure out.  It was another thing knowing which key unlocked the compartments in the tool box!  The prospect of finding the power cord to a small power drill another challenge.  I found all keys this weekend and was able to locate the power cord!  I think my late husband is smiling down on me!


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It is good to recognize accomplishments after widowhood. Sometimes, they are as simple as picking clothes up and putting them away or making a meal. Sometimes, they are the financial obligations we have that feel overwhelming, or changing the “next of kin” on paperwork at the doctor’ office or taking over a parenting role that someone else filled prior to his or her death.


I’m glad you have a space to acknowledge your accomplishments!



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