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Figured it was time for an update. Well Monday the divorce will be final, not even 3 months after he walked out. Now mind you he is telling everyone I kicked him out! I have since found out that he has been seeing someone for almost 2 years already, so that explains a lot to me about his behaviors towards me during that time line. I got 2 people who wanted my house, so was lucky enough to pick the one I liked for my neighbors, and I close on the 18th. I find that to be really sad, cause I really thought this was going to be my forever home. August would have been 26 years here.

I am however still deciding if I should expose the soon to be ex to his family and others, because he is going around playing like he is the good ol Christian bible boy and does no wrong. Yet the bible does say something along the lines of, "when you fight with a fool your just a fool!" So do I just keep quiet and let him expose himself, I mean he is already putting a ring on her finger and the divorce hasn't even happened yet!, or do I expose him????

Just glad it's over, yet tired and sad. All of this has really brought back the grieving for dh again full force, but I will survive. I have 11 years so far. I just probably will NEVER trust anyone ever again... 

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3 hours ago, sudnlysngl said:

 So do I just keep quiet and let him expose himself, I mean he is already putting a ring on her finger and the divorce hasn't even happened yet!, or do I expose him????



I just probably will NEVER trust anyone ever again... 


If it was me, I'd simply let the truth come out without my help. It always does anyway. Why continue to tie yourself into his drama when you are successfully putting much of it behind you.


Please don't let this unfortunate series of events cause you to never trust anyone else. That course may have the effect of blocking you from befriending some other great guy or potential gal pal. It gives dirtbag power over the rest of your life.


I know you don't really want that. :)


Good luck - Mike

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Wow, what a piece of work!  I'm so sorry.  I was cheated on by someone I was with for nearly a decade, and I'm sorry to say that, for me, it took a long time to heal and adjust from.  DH came next, and while I was completely over the individual, I wasn't near "over" what had occurred.  If you can afford it, I strongly suggest you go to therapy.  As for outing him, I chanted in my head after the ex: "He is irrelevant, I am my center."  It's really hard to disentangle when things are so wrong and unjust, but I think the sooner you cut ties from it, the better.  Let him recede into your rear view mirror as quickly as possible.  Engaging feels good in the immediate, but once that wears off, you're still stuck, when you could be further out from it all.  (In my case, his (and her) friends and family realized what had occurred when he and his now-wife celebrated their anniversary and did the really obvious backward count, straight into time when he and I were together....)  You may trust again.  I have, now more than once.  I hope you will, too.  

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