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Posts posted by geminigirl

  1. First let me just say I'm so sorry for your loss and my heart breaks just reading your story. My husband died 2 1/2 years ago in an accident leaving me to care for our then two year old daughter alone.


    In the very beginning I thought the pain would never go away and it still hurts but I'm surviving. It took awhile but I even have good days now and someday you will too. Raising my daughter alone has been a challenge but also a joy and today I can say I'm doing alright and mean it. 


    For now though just take each day as it comes and don't think too far in the future. I know it hurts so much but just hang on and when you don't think you can take any more just hang on a little longer. Hold your sweet baby and make it through another day. 



  2. I'm at 16 months now and we just started eating at the kitchen table again about 3 months ago. When my husband was alive we always ate dinner at the table as a family but I couldn't bear to sit there with just me and my toddler after he was gone. It was just way too depressing and a huge reminder that he was missing.


    Shortly after he died I bought my daughter a little picnic  table and we ate most meals there or at the coffee table. Well she ate and I sat with her. I barely ate the first year and lost 50 pounds.


    Now that we've been back at the table a few months I've gotten used to him not being there and most of the time it doesn't bother me that much. I've started to eat again like a mostly normal person and gained a little weight back too.

  3. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this pain. It's been 16 months for me now but I had my first birthday just 3 weeks after my husband died and just 2 weeks after that was his birthday and 3 weeks after that was our baby's second birthday.


    At the time I thought I was going to die from the aching in my heart but somehow I made it through those first horrible milestones and you will too.


    My advice is just survive and the day will pass. I know the loneliness feels unbearable at times but that too will eventually lift a little. Hugs to you, birthdays suck!

  4. Welcome and sorry you're a member of our sad club. I'm at 14 months out now and I know it doesn't seem possible now but one day it will hurt a little less.


    At one week out just try to focus on survival and try not to look too far ahead. All you have to do at this moment is get through the next hour and that's it. Eat a little something if you can and surround yourself with the people that love you. Come here and vent all you need to because we speak your language now and understand exactly how you feel. Just reading your words brings me back to those early days and my heart hurts for you.

  5. Thanks for responding. My emotions are still all over the place but I do have some good days now. They're not good like before my husband died but they're better than the first 6 months. I don't think life will ever really be good like that again but anything is better than the pain I felt in the very beginning.


    The pain still hits me hard sometimes. Like all of you know it seems to come in waves. At least now I know the wave will pass eventually even if it will return. I've just learned to enjoy the good moments when I have them.


    I never imagined I would end up in a relationship so quickly but it really did just happen. Falling in love again is exciting and terrifying. Calling someone my boyfriend is bizarre. I'm still not completely comfortable with it and not totally out with everyone I know. Some part of me feels guilty. I still love my husband and I'm falling in love with another man at the same time, it's a strange thing.


    Anyway, thanks for reading. I needed to get all this out somewhere and you are my people at heart.



  6. A letter to my husband on the one year anniversary of your death,


    I can't believe it's been a whole year. How can that be possible. I just talked to you in the kitchen. We said "good bye" and "I love you" and then you died later that day. It seems like 5 minutes ago and 20 years at the same time. Was that even us? I barely remember being that woman.


    I just miss you so much! I miss everything about you. I miss being us. I miss being a family. I miss the look in our daughter's eyes when you walked into a room. You were our light. It's so dark without you.


    Sometimes I'm so mad at you. How could you leave us. How could you abandon me with our baby. She needs her father. I know it's not your fault. You wanted to live. It was a stupid accident, you were working to take care of us. I blame myself too.


    I'm really trying to get better and move forward but somedays I fail miserably. It's so hard being a single mom, I'm always exhausted.


    I'm dating someone. I might love him. It's not like the love we had but he gets me most of the time and I'm so lonely. He's not you but he's good in his own way. I hope you understand. I still love you but you're not coming back and I need a connection with someone here.


    I'm so sorry for everything. I wish I could give you my life. I wish none of this happened. I still think about you everyday. Our girl will know how amazing her father was. I'll never forget the love you gave me and the joy you brought into my life. My heart still aches for you. I'll love you till there is no me.


    Love, P

  7. Thanks Manoj maybe I'll try meetup. I tried them years ago when I was looking to meet some older stay at home moms but I never actually went to any events. I've always found it hard to make new friends but it would be nice to have someone in real life to talk to about what I'm going through that really gets it. If I told my friends and family what I were really feeling or thinking most of the time they would probably think I'm crazy (which I am at times.)

  8. Hi Beth and Geminigirl,

    I was feeling same thing till last few week and then decided to join a group where people just meet for a coffee or drink and now the pain is less. Some of these people are awake late at night so feeling of loniless has gone down quite a lot. I would recommend do something like this and it might work for you too. I am not happy but not same sad as earlier.





    I went to a grief support group a few times in the months following my husband's death but the meetings were in the evenings and it got too hard to get a babysitter so I stopped going. I don't really feel like the meetings I went to were all that helpful at the time anyway. I went to a widows group and nearly all of the widows were over 60 and I felt completely out of place (I'm 39.) They were nice women but I just couldn't relate to them at all.


    It would be nice to find something like the group you are part of but so far I haven't been able to find anything like that in my area. If you don't mind me asking how did you find your group?

  9. I know what you mean Beth, I don't feel like me anymore and I miss my old self and my old life so much. I'm just so tired of feeling sad all the time. I feel like there's this weight on me and I just want some peace. I want to stop thinking about him and our old life. I want to be in the moment again. I want to be content.


    Even when I'm having a nice time with the man I'm seeing I still think about my husband constantly and I'm never really happy. I know it's not fair to him but I'm so lonely and being with him does ease the pain a bit. I just don't know what I'm doing anymore or who I am. I can't believe it's almost a year already.

  10. I'm at nine months now and sometimes I feel like I'm sliding backwards. I'm just in a funk lately and can't shake this empty feeling. I just miss him so damn much! I miss his voice, his smell, I miss cuddling in bed and the way his skin felt against mine. I miss talking to him, I miss the way he looked at me, I miss my buddy, my partner in crime, my sweetheart, my home.


    I also miss having someone that loves my daughter as much as I do. I can still hear him saying “isn't she the most beautiful thing in the entire world." He said it with absolute love in his heart and it kills me that she'll  never feel that love from him.


    I've been seeing a nice man for over a month now and he's a pleasant distraction but he isn't my true love. I'm so lonely and he gives me something to look forward to but I still feel lost and hollow most of the time. He does bring me some joy and I'll take any pleasure I can get these days. He knows I'm broken and accepts me. I am grateful for that.


    I don't know anything anymore, nothing makes sense. I'm lonely even when I'm not alone and time isn't making me miss my husband any less. I miss him more. I miss our life. I'm just venting today. Our ten year wedding anniversary is coming up soon and I'm preparing for a breakdown. I feel like I'm evaporating. Some days I want to disappear. This is hard stuff.

  11. I'm almost at 9 months and sometimes I don't know how I'm still standing but somehow we all are. Maybe it's wrong but I'm actually relieved to know that I'm not the only one that does weird stuff.


    Here's my strange ashes story, I used to just take the bag out of the urn and look at them but about two months ago I felt the urge to open the bag and investigate. Why, I have no idea. I actually scooped some ashes and bones out with a spoon and put them on a paper plate and sifted through them like some kind of mad archeologist. I was sobbing like a lunatic touching all of these bone fragments and I just couldn't believe that these little bits and pieces were what was left of the man I love. Maybe it's weird but I needed to touch them.


    Anyway, I eventually put everything back in the bag except one tiny bone that I've been carrying around in my wallet since. I know it's crazy but it's my husband and I don't care.


    See you're ok Beth, I'm walking around with a piece of bone in my purse. We're all a little slightly crazy now. ((Hugs)) to you.

  12. I'm back and even angrier this week. I feel like life is kicking my ass right now.


    Fuck this sinus infection that I have!

    Fuck this pain I'm in!

    Fuck spending $200 at the Walk-In Clinic!

    Fuck $105 in overdraft fees!

    Fuck the asshole adjuster at Worker's comp for sending my check out late and fucking up everything for me!

    Fuck Presidents Day! (another day I have to wait on my check)

    Fuck my first Valentine's Day without my husband!

    Fuck my entire life right now!

  13. Fuck diarrhea!!! Seriously, my toddler won't stop shitting and it's ruining my life right now. I can't send her to daycare, I can't leave the damn house, I'm trapped!! I just want this kid to stop pooping!! She cries non-stop and I'm losing my mind.


    Fuck being a single parent!! I need help, I need my husband, my daughter needs her father!! This shit is hard and I'm exhausted!


    Fuck the dishes! Fuck the laundry! Fuck the the sticky floors! Fuck these damn Legos all over the sticky floors! Fuck these Goldfish smashed into my carpet! Fuck dinner! I'm tired! I need to get out of here before I lose my mind!

  14. “You're young, you'll find someone else" So many people have said this to me.


    “You're so lucky you get money every month for doing nothing" This came from my mother who is obsessed with how much money I'm getting from my husband's death. I would rather have my husband alive than his Social Security death benefits.


    “I would love to have all that time alone"  This came from a well meaning friend that apparently hates her life.


    “At least now you don't have to cook dinner every night" Same friend.


    “Now you can do whatever you want" This was followed by how I could start a new career, move, date hot men and have a new fun filled life. Different clueless friend.

  15. I write, I write and I write some more. Shortly after he died I wrote down a list of all the things he loved and hated. I also write down random memories I have in no particular order. Sometimes I write letters to him and sometimes I just write about our life together.


    I honestly find it too painful to look at pictures of him and don't have any up in the house. From time to time I'll look at the pictures and videos of him on my phone but it always leaves me feeling horrible. I hope someday I can look at them and feel joy but I'm not there yet.


    I know this is kind of gross but I also took a few items of his dirty clothes out of the laundry right after he died and put them in in a closed storage bin to save his smell. Once in awhile I'll take a shirt out and smell it just to remember what he smelled like. I also put his pillow in a plastic bag and it smells just like him. It sounds crazy now that I'm typing it.


    The thing that really helps me remember him most though is reading the texts between us. I had over 4000 texts saved in my phone and I feel like he's back with me when I read them. I have 2 years worth of conversations between us and those mean so much to me. I love reading his words to me when he tells me he loves me or even just to pick milk up on the way home. I printed all of them out and will give them to my daughter one day when she's older.


    I understand the need to let go and hang on at the same time. I'm struggling with this also. In some ways it feels like a betrayal to let go but I know I need to in order to rebuild my life. I'm slowly getting there but not today. You'll get there when it's right for you. ((Hugs))

  16. I remember that feeling, it wasn't that long ago. I just felt so uncomfortable in my skin and nothing felt right. I found it helpful to make lists of what needed to get done for the week and it gave me something to focus on. In the beginning the lists were simple like, mop the floors and pay car insurance and eventually I was up to doing more complicated tasks.


    If you don't feel up to doing anything now than don't do anything. All you have to do today is survive. Feeling crazy is normal, slowly you will start to feel sane again.

  17. I don't have any profound words for you but I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I'm at 7 1/2 months and I'm the same way. My emotions are still all over the place too. Shit by noon most days I've cried, I've cursed the world, I've even felt a little bit of hope.


    Some days I stay in a funk all day but most days now I find myself smiling at something. That's not something I could have said four months ago so I think that's progress. I still usually cry at least once a day but I'm able to pull myself together afterwards.


    I don't know when things are supposed to get better, I'm still waiting. I suppose they are slightly better. Just keep moving, that's all we can do now. I try to find joy where I can, in my children, my friends, nature, a good cup of coffee. I take what I can get. I'm sorry I know it sucks.

  18. I broke down on New Year's Eve for the same reason, it hurts so much that my husband will never see 2017 and that the last year he lived is officially over. I went out with my best friend on New Year's and was having a good time but when the count down started on the tv I completely lost it and started weeping. I was sitting at a bar and everyone around me was cheering and I was crying hysterically like a lunatic. At least the holidays are over for awhile. Hugs to you.

  19. Fuck my in laws for not mentioning my husband's name once on Christmas!


    Fuck my mom for telling me “it's Christmas, you should try to be happy." Are you fucking kidding me?


    Fuck my friend for telling me on Christmas Eve when I was balling my eyes out that “God doesn't give us more than we can handle." Fuck you don't talk to me about God. If there is a God he's fucking cruel, I can't handle this much longer!


    Fuck everyone on Facebook for their family pictures!


    Fuck my husband's boss for sending my daughter a gift card to Build a Bear. Great so every time I look at that damn bear I can think of how my husband died working for him. It's the dead daddy doll.


    Fuck my friend for judging me for dating. Of course she would never date so soon. Fuck you, your husband isn't dead you have no fucking idea what you would do and you have no idea how much pain I'm in and how lonely I am. Don't treat me like I'm a slut, again you have no fucking clue!!

  20. Thanks for responding. I feel so alone right now. Everyone is carrying on with Christmas as normal but I'm barely holding it together. This past week has been rougher than usual. Luckily my daughter is only a toddler and doesn't really understand Christmas so she didn't care that I didn't put up a tree or decorate. This morning was depressing opening up presents with just the two of us. I feel cheated, my husband should be here. I just want the stupid holidays to be over!

  21. It's been awhile since I've written anything here. I'm at almost 8 months now and although I feel like I'm functioning better at the routine aspects of life my heart is still breaking.


    I still feel like I'm in this weird limbo waiting for him to come home. Logically I know he never will but I don't want to accept that this is my life.


    I moved to a new house and I try to stay busy but my mind always goes back to him, to us. I even starting dating just to desperately fill this void in my heart but nothing ever does. I just need to be touched, I need to feel something other than pain for a moment. I feel so empty all the time. I'm always alone and lonely.


    Truthfully, I'm falling apart but everyone thinks I'm okay. I've lost 45 pounds and my hair is falling out. I still cry most days but I manage to get things done. My daughter is cared for, the house is clean, the bills are paid.


    I don't know why I'm writing today, I guess I just needed to let it out and no one else understands. It's Christmas Eve, everything feels horrible. I want him so badly. I miss him so much it hurts.

  22. This is my first sexy Saturday night with all you super sexy wids. I'm looking especially foxy right now in sweat pants and a ratty old t-shirt and my hair piled high in a flirty bun. I just spent an hour and twenty minutes trying to get my two year old to sleep and now that she's finally sleeping I'm ready to party (not really.)


    My mom is actually staying the night at my house tonight so if I wanted to go out I guess I technically could but I don't have anyone to go out with. She lives about an hour away and since my husband died she's been coming down to my house every other week for a day or two so I can run errands without the baby. Today I went shopping and bought myself my very first pair of skinny jeans. Normally this world be very exciting news that I'm thin enough to wear skinny jeans but somehow losing forty pounds because I'm too devastated to eat doesn't warrant a celebration. I'll probably return the stupid jeans and continue to wear my sweats. What's the point of rockin cute jeans if my husband can't see me in them?


    Just another depressing Saturday night, this makes 15 in a row now and I expect a lifetime of them.

  23. Hi Karin, I feel you about the guilt. I'm only at 15 weeks and I'm so lonely and beat down that I find myself thinking about finding another partner just so I have someone to help me with my daughter and someone to talk to. I'm still in love with my husband and the thought of another man touching me makes my skin crawl but I need help and I hate being alone all the time. I feel guilty for even thinking like that and it makes me feel weak. I'm not actively looking for someone and I don't think I could go through with actually dating at this time but those thoughts still go through my head and I feel like shit about it.


    Happiness seems so foreign to me now so instead I focus on survival. Right now at 8 weeks I think you should try to focus on today and not think so far in the future. Get through today and worry about the future another time. Take care the best you can.

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