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Everything posted by Jordanna

  1. Hi, I have been reading everyone's posts but now I think its time to share my grief. My husband passed away 1 month and 6 days ago. He had a tragic accident and fell 120 feet down a cliff. He was 37 years old. We have a 4 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. My grief at times is overwhelming and sometimes it's completely manageable that it scares me. It hurts so much to lose my other half, my "we" but what hurts even more is thinking about what he's missing with the kids. He was Mr. Mom , he did everything for and with our kids. He was my light and my rock. He treated me like I was the best thing in his world. Now everyday since his death I either have to meet with a lawyer, a doctor or the bank. It's never ending all the things you are expected to take care of while grieving. I am overwhelmed, frustrated and sad that I even have to take care of any of this at 37. I feel cheated out of the life I loved and miss him I'll day long.
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