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Posts posted by rockshaye

  1. I am new to posting but what Ive found has been helping me along and I wanted to share. Ive read several books some has helped some are unfinished but i have subscribed to a blog by the author of " second first's" written by Christina Rasmussen if you subscribe you get an email every Friday.  Today' s blog was beautiful. If you have any great books that have helped or posts or websites please share. :)



    Everything that is true will always reveal itself.


    There is no way around this.


    As I am writing the new book I immerse myself inside every science and spirituality book so I can understand the nature of death.


    Who are we?


    Where did we come from?


    Where do we go when we are not in this body?


    My own Life Reentry after loss also depended upon knowing these truths for myself.


    When he died not only my life turned upside down but everything I believed about LIFE was no longer true.


    There was no happily ever after.


    Not in the way I was taught anyway.


    The happily ever after had nothing to do with getting married and having children, it appeared to be something very different.


    Something that I was not close to.


    I spent years getting myself close to that.


    To what the meaning of all of this is.


    The happily ever after had nothing to do with the traditional dressings of our society.


    Instead, it is about this thing inside of us that has this massive awareness and it talks to the universe.


    I want to connect with that thing.


    And I started to.


    I sought to find the truth about death and instead I found the meaning of life. (Click to Tweet!)


    And it finally hit me.


    Death leads us back to life, life leads us to death.


    That is when I found something I didn’t expect.


    I found it in the least likely place.


    I found divinity in science.


    The deeper I looked, deep inside the atoms and protons and the molecules and all the sciency stuff it was there.




    We call them miracles because we think they are not normal frequent experiences.


    But there is nothing rare about miracles.


    They happen all the time.


    Imagine this for me.


    Life is physical and non-physical.


    The dying only die for a second then they move to another dimension.


    The other dimensions are also connected to you.


    The thing inside of you that makes you aware is here and in all other dimensions with all the people you loved and lost.


    You just have to learn to see with your eyes closed now.


    You already know how to see with your eyes open.


    Maybe this letter I am writing to you this week is a little too much.


    Maybe I said the wrong thing.


    I just want to connect with the presence that lives within you.


    The presence that made you read all the way to the end of this letter.


    The presence that wants you to close your eyes and see.


    I am thankful for that presence because it knows how to talk to mine.


    The truth that I was able to find is that my presence and your presence is the same presence that comes from the universe.


    It’s the one and the same.


    And in there, all the people we loved and lost live.


    That’s all.


    With life here, there and everywhere,





  2. wow thinking of you too. I am 30 and was supposed to be starting a family now with my DH. Summer is making me sad I remember telling him how I didnt want to go to any warm climates for fear of Zika. I had just went to the Gyno the same one I have been going to for 12 years excited about telling her my plans of starting a family and 6 days later my DH passed away in the car accident. its crazy how life literally says F You, your dreams and your bright plans for the future. Its been 6 months and I am still in this dark storm. Trying to soldier on, one foot in front of the other. you are not alone. hugs

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