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Posts posted by Tammys

  1. I became a widow at the age of 50 years old on December 6,  2017, my husband of 27 years passed away in his sleep. What lead up to this back in September 2017 he had a cardiac arrest at home. He was in the ICU for 3 weeks. Was at our local hospital for a month. Then went to a nursing home for more rehab. They were getting him off of the feeding tube and trach tube. He was doing good in eating soft food. His oxygen levels while on the trach tube was good. He was being slowly weened from both trach tube and the feeding tube. Day before he passed away he was wanting to go outside to sit, he was learning to rewalk again because he suffered some brain damage from the cardiac arrest. He was making good progress. I keep having the image of our last goodbyes at the nursing home which was nice. On December 6, 2017 at 3 in the morning I got the call he had passed away in his sleep. I am in shock that he is gone . I feel very loss without him. He was our second loss of 2017. Our first loss was our 12 year old golden retriever in July 2017. I am still grieving over that and now this. I have been having dreams that they are together and healthy. Watching over me. Which is comforting . I just miss both of them. I do believe that they are my angels. I have been smelling cologne that my husband wore. I have been feeling and hearing our dog Lucky every day so I know that they will always be with me in spirit.

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