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Posts posted by BentNOTbroken

  1. I do not remember the last words my wife said to me. What I do remember was the last words she spoke while holding our 5 hours old babies' hand: "I love you". I was taking a picture of the moment for our daughter so I was on the other side of the room when it happened. I miss that girl......

  2. I am in a similar position by daughter never really got to know her mommy since she passed away only three days after birth. I hold E up to mommies picture every morning and say good morning and then give her two kisses, one from mommy and one from daddy. I am not sure how we are going to deal with this as we grow up. But, you are not alone and if you get any good ideas let me know. God's grace and blessing to you. (We are only seven months out)

  3. Three weeks before my wife died I started a new job. It is really my dream job that I spent years building up to and it took a huge leap of faith to move from my old employer to the new one. DW would tell our unborn baby how proud she was of me as I left for work in the morning and was so happy that new job had good health insurance. Now as a single dad I am very happy with the new job because it gives me at least 8 hours each day of something to focus on that keeps my heart in place. At night I do all the baby things and get my daughter into the crib for the night. As she gets older I am sure that I will be pulled in so many directions but right it is her and my job that anchor me. Six months out of everything is still too soon judge....

  4. Thank you all so much! Hard to post over weekends since it is full time Daddy mode. Diapers, food, playtime, and then rest for both of us.  :) At least most of the time she keeps me so busy that I do not get lost in my loss. Only a few rough moments over the weekend.

  5. Hi I have been lurking on the old board waiting for my account to activate since December thought now would be a good time to intro and share my story. On 2/14/14 my beloved wife found out she was pregnant with our first child after well over a year of trying. What followed was some of the best times of our lives together as we prepared the house for our new baby daughter. I refinished furniture, painted, and built all the things she ordered on-line. On 9/8/2014 I left for work knowing that she would be going to hospital for a check-up on the baby since she was not feeling well and we were less than month away from the scheduled c-section. I got a call to come to the hospital and that afternoon our daughter was born by emergency c-section as my wife suffered a brain hemorrhage and was airlifted to another hospital. On 9/12/15 we turned off mommies' life support while the little one and I were at the other hospital so she would not be alone when her mommy died. Now I am a widowed dad of a perfect healthy baby girl, a member of this terrible club we are part of; and I want to say: I am bent NOT broken, she waits for me around the corner and God loves and protects me and my daughter through this pain. God bless each of you; you have already helped me so much!! 17 years (9 married) was not nearly enough. I love you still.

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