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Posts posted by SimiRed

  1. My son was eight when his Dad passed away.  But he really only remembers his Dad "sick", since he was diagnosed with cancer when our son was only three years old.


    We were talking the other day and it hurt my heart when he said, "I don't really remember him". 


    Eight years this September...and there are always so many things that I wish his Daddy was here for!



  2. {{Hugs}}  7 years... it'll be 8 this September, and I still have bad days.  My family will tell me "You need to let that go, do you have to go back to the past, and so on... more that I can write and more that ticks me off.  Because they will never "get it". 


    A teenage son too that I know his Dad would have handled much better.  He would have the right words to say and of course, we'd be a team raising him.  I'm told I'm not an "only" or a single parent.  I'm told my parents are right here and they help.  Ohhh Kaayyyy.... no one has my back when I'm trying to get him to take out the trash, clean his room, needs a ride home or to work, help with homework, and so on. 


    Just sending you hugs and know that you are not alone!

  3. {{{{HUGS}}} Maureen!


    My Rant?  I wish I had the words of a Dad when I need them!  J is so much like his Dad and they would click in so many areas that I just don't. 


    Some days I'm the Dad with all the wrong words and then the Mom with even more wrong words...UGH, it's difficult sometimes!

  4. Pam,


    I am so heartbroken that you have to be a member of a group that none of us ever wanted to be a member of.  You are a great friend, I am so sorry for you loss, but happy you have found your way here. 


    There is a great amount of support here, we all understand the road of grief and all the pain that goes with it.


    Paul was a wonderful man, great husband and father.  You make him proud everyday.



  5. My son turned 16 last week, my SS benefits as his caregiver stopped the month before he turned 16.  I did call SS and nope, he gets no increase in his since mine stopped.  There's no cost of living increases either this year.


    It still boggles my mind why the caregiver benefits stop when a child is 16, I'm still buying his clothes, food, household expenses and paying a mortgage on our home that he still lives in.


    Yea, government rules....


    And to top it off...my premium on medical insurance just tripled each month thanks to the wonderful "Affordable Health Care Act."





  6. Hugs, I hit 7 years last month also.  It amazes me that it's been 7 years!  Then my son had a 16th birthday, a milestone, without his Dad.  That made me tear up even worse, to know all that my son has missed from having his Dad, to know what his Dad has missed in seeing him grow.  7 years...really?  Has it been that long?  Sure doesn't feel like it on most days!


    Wishing you strength to get through the week and the upcoming days.

  7. Hugs!!! 


    You're words are so true for many of us!  Hiding behind the smile, yep...since we don't really want others to see because they just don't "get it".  They never will, unless they live, and honestly, we don't wish that on anyone.


    We all have days where we hide alone in our homes, in our minds, and that sadness overwhelms us.  We do it alone, because, nope, no one in our circle of family or friends understands that the grief hits us in those unexpected moments and sometimes we just can't hide the tears...so, we sit alone with those tears all for ourselves.  I guess it's easier than putting on a fake smile when we just want to sit and think of everything we miss, everything that should have been...everything that our circles around us doesn't understand.


    More Hugs, we get it here, we understand, we know how much you miss him!


    ps - I would be very annoyed with the level of scrutiny however. I understand you have a history that leads you to be distrustful. I am sorry about that but this very high level of checking everything under the sun doesn't seem to provide the solid base of understanding and care for another that successful relationships are built upon.


    Good luck - Mike 


    I agree with this!  When you trust someone, this level of scrutiny doesn't exist.  It doesn't for me now with the person I'm currently dating, not at all, I trust him completely.  But, it did when I was with ex, it was his actions and my instincts that led me to that level of scrutiny.  I guess it's a way I tried to convince my instincts that they were wrong, when all along they were right. 


    Finding condoms in the truck console?  I got a bit lost on that, but I'm not sure I'd be happy that he'd be saving condoms from over a year ago, since the "manufacture" dates are consistent with his relationships...why does he still carry them around with him in his truck?

  9. SemperFidelis,


    I hear you on the trust issues and I don't believe you are being out of line with the way you feel.  Take away the emotional attachment to the NG, what do you really see?  How do you really feel? 


    I may not be the best to give advice, you can go back and read my story/posts from May 2015-July2015 and see where I got into a relationship and it was very difficult to leave.  He was such a habitual storyteller (liar) that I believed what he said as "truths".  I also dismissed so much, because "He loved me".  Thing is, he didn't love me, I was an object, a possession, something he had.  He was very good with his stories, I just fell deeper into them.


    I was in love with the "idea of him", not him.  I dismissed so many things and it turned my world upside down for a long time. 


    Here is where I wrote about the "red flags/signs" I missed.  I'm not sure if this link will work, but, I'll try.



    If you just want someone to talk to, PM me and I'll give you my number. 


    Don't dismiss what you are feeling, don't dismiss your instincts.  Take some time and write down a list of things that bother you and things you like about him.  Sometimes the good doesn't out way the bad.  And sometimes you have to let go of the good, because the bad is too much to handle.


    The person I left always, always had a crazy ex in his past, a girlfriend that wasn't good enough, etc.  It was never him, always them.  Of course, now I'm the crazy ex and the bad person. 


    It's all okay though, and letting go and getting out of that situation has brought me to so much more happiness than I could have ever imagined.  Even though I spend a little over 3 years with him, I don't regret one single day of leaving.  I wish I'd had the strength to do it sooner than I did, because I too have serious trust issues with others. 


    After being 17 months out of the deepest darkest hole, and having trust issues that were bigger than you can imagine, I am dating someone.  He is a remarkable man, a caring, honest, trusting man.  He knows my past and he has nothing to hide either.  It's amazing how it feels to be with someone when all those trust issues are non existent.  It took time, a long time, and I'm still struggling with some inner demons. 


    I guess I'm just saying be careful, and if you need an ear, I'll listen. 


    Virtual Hugs, I know it's not easy, especially since you have been together a while and I know how bad it feels when someone breaks that trust.




  10. Hello barney_12,


    I can't say it any better than Maureen did.  The loss of your boyfriend hurts greatly and it's the loss of every moment you saw in your future with him. 


    Being married for a long time or short time, being unmarried, dating, for any amount of time with someone who truly fits you and is a loving companionship doesn't change the amount of grieving you will have.  You loved him, you seen a future with him, you lost your "someday"...no one will understand your grief. 


    I hope you find comfort here amongst those that "get it"...






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