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Posts posted by Prov31cadet

  1. I am right there with you! My boyfriend and I had a great weekend together, and tonight I'm doubting things. We have been dating 5 months. I keep checking in with him also to see if we are okay, and he tells me I overthink things.šŸ˜œ I know I do, but I'm not sure how to get past it. Thanks for for your posts, Ladies!

  2. I am a Christian. I believe we live in a fallen world, where everything bad comes from the devil, and everything good comes from God. God created this world so His plan of us needing salvation could happen. I am comforted to know that my husband is in heaven now. He is healed of his cancer, and living in perfection. I am jealous too because I am not there yet. I still have to live without him, and deal with this sinful world. I look at it that God knew my husband had lived his life to the fullest, and his time was finished here on earth. I don't know when my time is up, so I am to honor and love God and others until it is. God has blessed me so much for me to be mad at Him. It is not wrong, though, to tell Him you are hurt and to ask why. He knows our thoughts. Please don't think that I think everything is sunshine and roses. It is far from it. I am lonely and heart broken just like everyone else is or has been. Please keep the faith. God is a loving and understanding God. Don't give up on Him because he won't give up on you. Sending hugs and love! šŸ™‚

  3. I am feeling the same way everyone else is. I just want the holidays to be over with, but I can't be a Scrooge for my boys. I am having a holiday house decorating party on Saturday. I have invited family and friends over to decorate my house because I don't want to, and they are willing.Ā  Maybe starting a new tradition will help. I also find that when I focus on others, I tend to feel better. I do wish you the best this holiday season!

  4. Thank you all for sharing your stories. My husband passed away 7 months ago. I have had a "friend" that we went out once, but spent many hours talking. Things were actually moving pretty fast, but we have just recently decided to slow things down. It is hard because I am starting to really fall for him. I needed to hear your stories to help me be content with where we are. Thanks again!

  5. Oh, Sweetie, everything you are feeling is normal. I think we all were a mess at one point. I know I can be a hot mess at times. Survival mode for me was eating out for about four months. I do not like McDonalds very much now!šŸ˜€ I'm so glad you have a good support system. Continue to rely on them. They have seen you be a caretaker, and all that you have gone through...they won't give up on you, and we won't here either! You can do this!! Sending you hugs!

  6. I too am sorry for your loss. I totally understand how you are in auto mode. There are times that I just want to hang out in my bedroom, shut the door, and just let my boys do their own thing. Then I think about what my boys are going through. They have already lost one parent, and need me more now than they did before. That doesn't mean I stop grieving. These holidays are already super hard for me, and I have no desire to decorate or celebrate. I am having some close friends come over this weekend to decorate my house with me for Christmas. For me, I have to surround myself with people or I can see depression setting in. You can do this, but it will take time. I hope you find the support you need. Sending hugs your way. I'll be praying for you, and I mean that!

  7. You are doing great! Keep the hope and positive attitude going. My husband and I never talked about the what ifs either, but I know he would want the best for my boys and me. I'm sure she would want that too for you and your children. You are hitting the milestones pretty early, but that is okay because in a year from now you won't have the firsts anymore as Jess said.

  8. My boys are 13, 9, and 7. My husband passed away 7 months ago. I am starting to see my younger two needing a male mentor. They adored their dad! My 13 year old has grown close to our youth pastor at church. I've been praying for someone to be able to mentor them. My dad and my f-i-lĀ  are not best filling that spot. We don't see my brothers and b-i-l that much. Has anyone ever been through this or have any suggestions? Thanks a bunch!šŸ˜€

  9. I am very sorry that you are going through this. It is a horrible feeling. I know that you are at a very hard time right now. The whirlwind of everything has slowed down a bit, and you feel like you can't catch your breath. I am glad that you have those precious children to get up for everyday. That helped me make it through the day. One day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time, is how you have to take it. You will get through it! Hang on to the memories, and talk about her often. It is lonely, but know we are here to support you.

  10. I probably shouldn't be in this section, but I have thought about your question. My husband passed away seven months ago. I do believe that I would be a better spouse. I have spent many evenings reflecting on our marriage.... the good, bad, and ugly. I am a totally different person than I was 13 years ago. I am also looking for someone different than I was back then too. As far as I am concerned, if God is at the center of my relationship then it will be a good marriage. Best of luck to you!

  11. Ā  Hi there, I'm Jacci and my husband Wade died this past April of Melanoma cancer at age 39. He was diagnosed stage 3 of May 2012. Then in December 2013 we found it had advanced to stage 4. I have three energetic boys ages 13, 9, and 7. We are doing our best to move forward. The grief comes in waves. My boys know it is okay to cry and to miss their dad. We continue to make it through each of the milestones. Our most recent was last night attending an extended family gathering on Wade's side. The boys did fine, but it was hard for me.

    Ā  I'm so thankful for my family, friends, church family, and coworkers. God has placed the most wonderful people in our lives. They are there continuously praying for and supporting us. God is good all the time!šŸ˜€

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