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Posts posted by Sandi1970

  1. Thanks!

    I haven't had any weird comments on it, I think anyone that knows me enough to give an opinion knows my reasons & the only opinion that mattered was my new husbands. He was fine if I kept my name as is! He gets me & "it" more then I ever expect. Widower in a past life? Seriously! lol

  2. I wore DH's chain/cross when I remarried. He always would take it and put it over my head to keep safe, when he was in the hospital or something. He said that the cross was at the perfect length to be by my .

    I'm also keeping his last name & adding my new husbands name. This was suggested by my new husband! We wrote our own vows and it was implied in mine that we met after tragedy.

  3. I just remarried at the beginning of the month. We have no children between us and live over 1000 miles from any family. We wanted it simple, just us  & surrounded by nature. Many family and friends weren't happy about it but it was perfect for us!

    In the late spring, we're going to have a special dinner with immediate family, to celebrate.

    Make it about you both, you owe it to yourselves. I wanted nothing to resemble my 1st & pretty big wedding. The only thing that did, was the nature part but I guess that's because it's such a part of me.

    Congrats & best wishes.

  4. Get married again! I feels really good though...

    I don't think I could even wrap my head around it 6-9 months ago and then he asked and it just felt so right.

    I'm coming up on 7 years widowed. My journey has been amazing to look back at and realize what I've accomplished. I just know DH is smiling & proud.

    Never could've imagined writing this and completely believing it. lol

  5. I moved recently and there the wedding dress was... What to do with it? Moved it the 1,000+ miles just so I didn't have to derail my packing efforts and sit and think. So here it is in my walk in closet. Still not sure but have thought about if I get married again, changing it up and shortening it and wearing it again. It still represents one of my fonds days ever. who knows.

  6. Wish I could, it's been too long, miss ya all. Crazy but one of the wids of this group I saw last, was wasawife. She attended the FoCoNoCo (Colorado) last May. I've always admired her adventure, living through her pictures of her travels on FB. We were having dinner and she was showing me her adventures thus far and explained where she'd be hiking before getting on a plane home. What a beautiful trip she planned, saw, hiked, etc... She looked to be in great health, most do, I guess we know :( sorry I'm missing it. I'll be there in spirit.

    Yesterday, I attended our NE OH/NW PA Bago and met Michael797. He & I talked about this one and I assured him he'd be in equally fine company.  I did, however, forgot to tell you, Michael, to keep an eye on the "knife ninja", he's a shifty one ;-) great meeting you.

    Cheers wasawife, one helluva a sweet , friendly woman & definitely will be missed!

  7. I was thinking about different really awesome things or ways Chuck surprised me.  He loved going over the top to surprise me. He'd tell our close friends and family, so everyone would get the surprise reveal along with him. He was like a little kid on Christmas morning!

    So, one year I went out of town early December and it over lapped when he did too. He told me our dog, Chip was after this gift he bought me and he made me call him when I got home so he could lead me to it. It was a stuffed animal bear, or so I thought.  He told me I had to sleep with it while he was gone and make sure the dog did not tear it up. I thought it was ridiculous, so I put it on my dresser. He called the next night and asked about it, I admitted it was on the dresser. He asked me to please sleep with it, so I threw it on the bed thinking how silly it all was, it was JUST a bear with clothes on. I even thought he was acting so crazy about it, I shook the thing in front of the dog, teasing her to see if she'd take it. Nope and he kept insisting she wanted it.

    So he comes home really early a few days later and wakes me up, the bear was in bed with me and it's still days before Christmas... He starts talking about the bear and I say it 's cute but what is the story with the bear and I admitted dangling and shaking it a few times to taunt the dog with it. He freaked and I instantly felt bad. So what's with the bear?! He bought me a diamond tennis bracelet and he clipped it around its neck but you couldn't see it because of the collared shirt on the bear!!

    OMG I slept with this thing for like 5 days and even tried provoking the dog with it! Love it! Miss him and those surprises so much!

    What are your surprises you miss? 

  8. Alright Saturday night I watched tv and I started getting tired, so I looked at the clock (hadn't in hours )  and yesterday was my birthday. Now tell me I'm nuts... He always excitedly tried to be the 1st to tell me good morning, happy news years, merry Christmas & of course happy birthday on my birthday. I looked at the clock it was 12:21am (explained in a few posts ago) and I consider that random look at the time, as Chuck saying Happy Biryhday to me FIRST! lol yah maybe I am nuts but really, I just explained all this here and well...

    I've told no one, except here.

  9. I replaced mine 1 1/2 years ago. I got 3 estimates. I don't know how they come up with the price (dart board back at the office is my best best) but the differences in pricing from 1st to 3rd, was double almost exactly. 1st guy was recently widowed with a kid in college and another daughter just married. He called back to see if I'd be going head and I bit my tongue and just said no thanks.


    Definitely get references, don't give all money up front and several estimates!

  10. I get signs all the time too !

    The main one is the time 12:21 time he took his last breathe in my arms and 9:19, our wedding date. I stopped telling anyone about it but just yesterday after seeing 1221 repeatedly for a few days, I wanted to but then didn't because people think I'm nuts with my signs. They're real, I'm convinced! Songs and so many other things. He knows how much I miss him and it's his way of saying hi & he loves me, no one could convince me otherwise.


    I've put in a request several times for help in a certain stressful area and it hasn't work to my satisfaction, so I wondering what he's planning. Anything else I've talked to him about has worked wonderfully, so I haven't given up, I'm anxiously waiting.

  11. Sounds good to me! It's. 5o 'clock somewhere ! You're ahead of me with the laundry, can't get motivated... Allergies kicked in! How? There was snow on the ground yesterday! Either way, they found their way :(

    I made this Mexican chicken casserole yesterday. Plenty left over. Bf asked me how I come up with the recipes I do online. I laughed a but then confessed, thought he'd think how dumb. Nope he thought it was absolutely brilliant. lol he finds things so amazing about me that I never even thought anything of. So I guess that's a positive for keeping the relationship going, just be your crazy widda self! I really have no sense of humor or cares to give anything else a try anyways .

    So here's my laughable little trick. I look around what's on hand and just enter the ingredients in google! So yesterday, I had thawed out chicken and wasn't in the mood for anything I'd made in the past & really didn't want to cook. So I wanted easy!

    Googled: chicken oven cornbread

    I ended up with this Mexican chicken casserole. I gotta say it was so darn easy and deliscious. I couldn't imagine how it'd taste and it could definitely be done without the chicken, in my opinion.

    So there's my trick, pot luck in the bistro with google & your pantry!

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