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Everything posted by JustK

  1. I've very relieved to have found this forum;I just wish I didn't need it. It'll be six weeks this upcoming Saturday since my LH passed. Yeah, every Saturday is now marked by the amount of weeks he's been gone He was only 38, I'm 34 and our only daughter had just turned 12 the week prior to his death. He had been sick for the past 18 months. He needed a liver transplant that he became too ill to receive. I'd been his caregiver during his entire illness, and I can't begin to explain how strange it is to not be taking care of him any longer. Less than six weeks into this horrendous new"normal," and I saw his mother earlier today. The conversation we had actually prompted me to join here. She told me that I've been grieving long enough, and everyone (whoever that means) thinks it's time I begin moving on. She also said that I'm screwing up our daughter by still being in such a "funk" over LH's death. This was HIS mother saying these things. He was her youngest child; you would think if anyone could understand how I'm feeling, she would. This was the first time I realized just how different of a person I am from her. I'm sorry if I'm still in a so-called funk over losing the man that I've literally spent my entire adult life with; we met a month before my 19th birthday. I'm also sorry that people think it's my fault that my daughter is devastated over her father's death. As she's said herself, try having your first real experience with death be one of your parents! No, that could never mess with a child's head, now could it?! Contrary to what people believe, I don't break down into a puddle of tears in front of her. I let everything out when she isn't around. However, you better believe I've let her weep in my arms. And I always will. And actually, who cares if I do end up breaking down in front of her someday? Emotions are completely normal. I just can't believe the things people are saying about us :-[
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