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Posts posted by Ants

  1. I'm happy that you have made changes in your life since we last talked.  You are a good man.  You are worthy of someone's full attention.  Don't settle.  Z is 17, he does't need you as much to catch him when he falls.  You need to take care of you.  Make choices that will make you happier in life.  You know how to reach me if you need an ear.


    Your friend


  2. I'm also in the beginning stages of blending families. It's been a very slow process. My chapter two guy has moved in and we just had our first family dinner. We've been together for a year. He was fully integrated into my life but his ex prevented him from letting him introduce his girls to us. Things are progressing through.


    This post has given me a few things to think about though. We'll have to have a conversation around a few items. Thanks for sharing.


    Good luck with blending.

  3. It's interesting how I can move forward in my life and then I can look at my son and be brought right back into the past.  Especially with Father's day approaching.  My guy really has very little interest in talking about or remembering his dad much right now.  I bring him up and let him know it is okay to talk about him but he's just not there right now.  I figure it will happen a little later as he hits some milestones. 


    It feels surreal though moving forward and not being crushed anymore by the weight of constant grief and yet they are always right there with you.

  4. Just feel so happy right now.  My son is also happy.  We finally met my new guy's girls (It took 11 months!).  That went well.  We've been looking at houses (but not with the intention of buying yet - just looking and getting ideas for when we are ready).  He has been living with DS and I for a couple of months and it is going well.  He and I are going to Europe to meet his family this summer.  We are moving forward and my son is more than okay with it.  DS and new guy get along famously and have so much in common.  I couldn't ask for anything more.


    I had no idea I could feel this happy.  I didn't know I could love like this or be loved like this.  I don't come on here very often but I just wanted somewhere that I could write that I am surviving and moving forward.  Somehow I made it.



  5. Absolutely do a prenup / cohabitation agreement (unless you each have no assets/pension).  You need to protect what you (and your spouse) worked hard to build for you and your child(ren).  This chapter 2 may be a perfect relationship and may last a lifetime but there are so many failed relationships out there that started out wonderful.  When it gets ugly - it gets ugly.


    My chapter 2 guy is in the process of moving in and I have spoken to my lawyer.  I want to protect myself and my son but I also want him to feel that he and his girls are also protected.  Neither of us are together for material things (or lack thereof!) so signing a piece of paper to make sure we are protected in the future - just keeps us safe. 


    Should we choose to get married some day then the cohabitation agreement turns into a prenup.  I will need to adjust my will at that point to reflect any changes I feel need to be made.  I have no intention of using it as a "get of of jail free card" :)  I still believe in the working things out and doing what you can to make things work.  However, sometimes there comes a point, when there is no point of return.


    Just my opinion.

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