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I must be an idiot.......


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All week long I look forward to the weekend - and then its Friday night, and I realize that rather than just lonely evenings, I get whole days to myself....  I don't understand why I keep looking forward to the weekends....  because they suck.....  I need a life.  Or some friends.  Soon.

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Guest wecouldbeheros

Early out I dreaded weekdays weekends holidays, well every day. The silence as I was told by another wid (and she was right), was deafening. Trying to focus on one task at a time, even doing laundry lol, helped. I didn't spend much time at home soon after, I guess one day it hit me, and I started to go out all the time. Took awhile but I became ok with being alone, and feel like I gained my independence now. It'll happen.

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