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Advice needed on finding a therapist


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It has been just over 17 months since Christine died. In that time on the whole I have done fairly well. I have felt all the different things one feels, been crushed by the reality of the situation and have grown strong enough that most of the time the weight is bearable. However, doing some analysis of myself in the past month I have come to the realization that since she died I have had a very irrational feeling of abandonment. Which in turn has given me an interior landscape where I feel very insecure, which then informs my actions. I am tired of feeling this way and want to see a therapist or psychologist to work on these issues.


Last year I tried GriefShare, it was not for me. I also did some group work at Gilda’s House which was fine but it is not what I am looking for now.


My question is how do I go about finding a therapist? Where do I start? What should I look for?

Edited by Leadfeather
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You need to find a therapist or psychologist with grief as a specialty. A good therapist or psychologist would recommend you go with someone with the specialty rather than a general one. When my daughter was assessed not to be suffering from grief anymore but rather anxiety and other issues, her therapist helped me look for someone who would be more appropriate. I spent a considerable amount of time doing research on practices in my area that would be convenient. I also did get some references from the local grief organization where we go as a family for support. Good luck on finding someone who can be a good fit for you.

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I was referred to my grief counselor by the Chaplin at the hospital where he was declared. Group was not for me

 One on one grief counseling was great

My grief counselor does regular counseling and medical social work as well.  She mostly listened and told me I was doing well. That's what I needed. 


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