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Posts posted by Abitlost

  1. I wish I could take the lessons I've learned and go back to that life I had with Tim. I could be a better a wife, I could appreciate him more with all that I know now.



    DH and I always commented just how fortunate we were and never took a minute for granted, but still I feel like I have acquired so much more I want to share with him for the benefit of us.  :-\


    Hugs to as you cross the 2-year mark with no prize at the end.



  2. You do not suck. You recognize that you are not the best person to help your daughter with her homework and you found someone who is. That is a responsible response and you should commend yourself for it. Many times kids respond better to a non-parent when it comes to learning which is not indicative of being a good or a bad parent, it's just the learning style of the child.



  3. I would have concerns as well. The teenage brain is subject to poor judgment, even in the best of kids. My approach, right or wrong, has been to talk about the short- and long-term effects of drug/alcohol use early and often. I am prepared to say "it's not that I don't trust YOU, it's that I don't trust the situation"; if a kid is in an environment where there is a high probability that others around them are impaired, whether or not s/he partakes, s/he is still at risk.


    This report on marijuana was just released today. I have not read it yet but thought I would provide the link.




    Here is a short blurb about impaired driving:


    Section 1 ? Impaired Driving:

    ? In 2014, when retail marijuana businesses began operating, there was a 32

    percent increase in marijuana-related traffic deaths in just one year from 2013.

    ? Colorado marijuana-related traffic deaths increased 92 percent from 2010 ? 2014.

    During the same time period all traffic deaths only increased 8 percent.

    ? Marijuana-related traffic deaths were approximately 20 percent of all traffic

    deaths in 2014 compared to half that (10 percent) just five years ago.

    ? In 2014, when retail marijuana businesses began operating, toxicology reports with positive marijuana results of active THC results for primarily driving under the influence have increased 45 percent in just one year.



  4. Trying, all your changes have set you up for a healthy and fruitful future. I admire your courage to take these on. If you're feeling overwhelmed, some things you can let slide like the team mom, maybe only do one certification course at a time, slow down on renovations, etc. Take care of you inside and out.



  5. I don't mind making most decisions, and I think I am pretty good at it. This was primarily my role in our marriage -- dh trusted me to research everything and he would usually only weigh in with an "I trust you", then defer to me. It is sometimes exhausting though, knowing everything hinges on my ability to determine the best path for my kids and I. The stakes are much higher I feel, but I can still hear and feel dh backing me.



  6. Most I the time, it's either french braided or in a pony tail or tucked under a hat.  It's the thing that gives me away...so I hide it..


    It's time for SimiRed 2.0; let the hair flow :)



  7. SR, you've got this! You have already taken the hardest step! While it isn't going to be easy for a while, you have the momentum and strength to come out on the other side where you can rebuild your life into one of peace and happiness. You are doing the absolute best thing for yourself and your son. We are all behind you!



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