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Everything posted by Lolligagger1983

  1. I'm approaching the six month mark. I feel so lost and broken too. At some points I've felt like giving up. I don't want to be here w out him. However I don't have a choice and it's horrible. I have a dog and really he's what keeps me going he needs me to take care of him. He needs me to walk him feed him and bathe him and my husband loved our pup more than anything. On my worst days this dog keeps me going. But I do have those days when I don't want to do anything I don't want to work or shower but no matter what I take care of my pup. I don't know if you have kids or pets but maybe you can turn to them to help you on your worst days. If I didn't have this dog I would be a really sad mess. I guess thank goodness for animals. And I'm in no way preaching but before my husbands passkng I never went to church and had little to no faith in god. However for some reason after his passing I started praying at night. Thanking god for what I have and asking him to let my Husband know how much I love and miss him. I have very bad anxiety most days but for some reason praying helps. It eases my mind. I don't know but it works. I don't know if this will help you but maybe it will? Thanks for reading and I'm glad I was able to share my experience with you. #hugs
  2. This is my first holiday with out my partner. I haven't celebrated anything since his passing. My birthday was only two weeks after his passing and then his birthday was really rough. Thanksgiving was not the same. The numbness I felt in the first three months of his passing has now turned to hurt and sadness. My family wants me to go to holiday events and I don't want to!!! I think what you're feeling is normal. Everyone grieves differently. Some days I'm okay and drift through the day without thinking about him or that my life is forever changed and other I have flashbacks and cry. I don't know how long this is supposed to take but for me it's been almost six months. However I do have to say each day does get easier and though not everyday is happy each day the hurt is less even if just a teeny tiny bit. Life goes on and some days you just have to put your big girl panties on take a shower brush your teeth clean your house and live. As hard as it is you can do it! So to answer you I think what you're feeling is "normal". That's just my opinion. I hope me sharing my grieving has helped you realize you're not alone.
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