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Posts posted by LeahRoot84

  1. My son said that he noticed my brother wearing my husband's favorite hat. This was my husbands winter hat he wore every year! I'm pissed because he didn't ask! I shouldn't have to hide my husband's things in MY HOUSE!!! But now I feel like I have to. Am I being irrational that I want to punch him and his wife in the face for this?? And I only say her because, she knew it was my SO's hat! She could have said something. But instead, I found out from my 15 year old. Ugh!!!!

  2. I am so sorry you are going through all of this alone. Although our SO's passed in completely different ways, I was also 6 months pregnant with our only child, a boy. And it breaks my heart everyday knowing he will never get to see him or have the kind of bond a baby/child should have with their father. My heart goes out to you and your precious little miracle. Hugs to you both!

  3. Before my husband passed, I had one of my oldest brothers living in my home with his wife and 2 kids. They completely took advantage! My brother tried pulling our mother down a flight of stairs, his wife was popping pills and their kids had absolutely 0 respect for me or their Grandmother. By February, my brother slit his wrist in front of my children and his and at that point, I had to kick them out, that was the final straw!!!


    A month later, my husband popped pills and ended up dying behind my house in the woods. Since that time I have allowed another one of my oldest brothers and his wife and 3 kids move into my house out of the goodness of my heart. His wife has done nothing but walked all over me and my mother. She has tried taking run of things in MY HOUSE! And all the while, I feel like the biggest asshole and sucker ever!!! I need to stop opening up my doors and I need to give myself time to grieve and stop caring for people who don't give 2 fricks about me or my own.


    Sorry for the long vent everyone but thanks for listening!

  4. This new year keeps shitting on me. Was last year not enough when my husband decided to take his self out of the equation in this life??? Apparently not. I'm starting to see why he didn't wanna be around anymore. Life and it's bullshit trials and tribulations! Give it a rest already, LIFE!!!!


    Sorry, I needed the small vent.

  5. Me and my husband had this thing going where, Everytime we crossed paths with something in nature, we would get it tattooed. I have gotten a few things tattooed but haven't gotten everything. The biggest significance for me and him were butterflies. Never failed, Everytime we were together, we had butterflies around us.


    I may continue the tradition we had. It could be a positive.

  6. I got to talk with my husband's primary care doctor and all I could do was break down and cry. I wish I could hold myself together. This is so hard. When does the pain ever end?! 10 months in and I feel like I'm losing my mind!!! I look at pictures of his face and it tears me down. My mind has registered that he is never coming back but my heart, it can't except it.


    I just want this all to go away! I don't wanna do this anymore. I want my husband! He will be, all I ever want.

  7. Laying in bed and softly weeping so my kids won't hear me. I don't understand. It's been almost a year and it seems it has gotten worse rather than better.


    Why can't life be like a movie, where we lose someone and get them back?! That's what I want!


    Instead, I lay here looking at the spot my husband used to lay his head at night. It feels so empty. Home is not home without my other half. Life is so unfair! It's just SO UNFAIR!!!

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