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Posts posted by bromans

  1. Hi there. It's been a pretty long time since I last posted, but I'm having a hard time tonight so I thought I might vent here a little. Coming up on the year mark, it seems like I'm having a harder time remembering the day to day stuff with her. However, I generally think back on our memories in a "happy" way. That's pretty normal, I know. It stresses me out like crazy though, because I feel like I'm the remember-er, you know? There's so much stuff that, once it's gone from me it's gone forever. No disrespect to her family and friends and all that, but they don't know which one of our blankets was her favorite for playing video games. They don't know which type of frozen pot pie she liked (don't get the kind with the mushrooms). That kind of stuff was is mine to remember. God, I just want to feel like I'm in the same room with her again.


    Every once in a while there will be that one little thing. That jolt that will (unexpectedly) bring it all back with it's vivid colors and smells and smiles. (Her smile was like nothing you've ever seen --ask anyone). Today that jolt came in the form of pepperoni pizza that a friend brought over. Pepperoni pizza.... with stuffed crust... how did I forget? It was more than her favorite. It was her happy food. Her comfort when the anxiety hit. Our late night adventure to the one place that would serve it 24 hours. We spent so many nights like that... how have I not thought of it once?


    It can't be said enough: this sucks.

  2. Hit the 6 month mark yesterday. (What a strange and painful set of words to type...) Someone told me today that it seems like I'm "healing well," but all I heard was "you're getting very good at acting like a normal person in public." Anyway, I guess I belong in this time frame now. "Shock Wears Off, Reality Sets In" doesn't seem quite right yet.


    Now for some randomness from the amazing life I had before. Here are two small things that I remembered today for the first time (I think). 

    1. There was a tall weed near the drive that we shared with my in-laws. When you were driving up the lane at night, and your headlights hit it a certain way, it looked like a deer about to run into the road. DW and I came up with the clever name "deer plant." Every single time that girl would pull into the driveway at night, she would tap on the brakes a bit hard and mumble "stupid deer plant."


    2. There are lots of oak trees where I live, so naturally there plenty of acorns on the ground as fall approaches. One time, I told her that I liked the way it felt/ sounded when I stepped on the green ones (weird, I know). She thought it was hilarious. It became one of our inside jokes that every time one of us saw a green acorn we would go out of our way to step on it.



    I miss her so much.

  3. At just over five months, I'm struggling with the idea of piecing together some sort of "normal" without Marriah. I feel like I have no goals, no aspirations anymore. I'm only 24, and was going to school for vocational ministry, but with how much I'm struggling spiritually I don't see it happening now. Every plan that I've ever made for my future involved her. It was about her. So, what now? I guess grad school is an option-- choose a whole new career and just... do it. But motivation is at an all-time low, plus I'm just downright afraid that I can't handle it. I guess I'm just wondering if there are any young wids struggling with the same thing?

  4. Hi Always. I'm so so sorry.


    I hear so much of myself in what you wrote here. My wife and I were high school sweethearts as well. We went to different schools, but chose to go to the same college and got married soon after. She was ion an accident just over 5 months ago. I know what it's like to grow up with someone you love with all your being and have them taken away. I found myself looking around for her advice when planning her funeral only to have reality, like a kick to the chest, set back in. I've never made one important decision without her. I've never lived alone. I've never pictured a future for myself where she and my children weren't there, yet right when we were about to start a family...she's gone --just weeks before her 24th birthday. I would never wish this on my worst enemy, and I hate that you had to join this awful club.


    Like Mizpah said, anything you say is welcome here. This is a group of people who understand. Post as much or as little as you like, and it will be read, understood. I've only been here 5 months, but it has been one of the best things I could have done for myself to join. I will also join Mizpah in suggesting therapy. I was skeptical at first, but it is truly a place to just let out everything that you can't say in everyday life. Also, if you find someone who you particularly relate with on here, you might message them. For me, it has been nice having more in-dept conversations with fellow wids.


    Thinking of you.

  5. At just over 3 months, I feel like things are taking a bad, bad turn. I'm so lost. The days feel like they are getting longer, and Im faking it at every turn. The only person who ever knew me is gone; not even I know who I am without her... I don't want to know. I feel myself slowly forgetting what that person was like. I'm scared and I'm lonely and I'm sick of acting like I'm not. Im tired of watching 70s gameshows just to fall asleep.  I'm tired of cleaning bird crap off her headstone. I'm 24 years old, why am I doing this? Don't you dare tell me it will get better with time; I dread the passing of time. I dread the day day that I turn 46, double her age. One day I'll have to make a living for myself and I dread that day. I feel like a burden to everyone around me. Only one person promised to be there during my worst moment. To make me laugh. To hold me when the nightmares wake me up, or when I'm panicking for no reason. But now she's gone and I don't know how to move forward. Or sideways. Or even backward for that matter. Ugh.


    Im sorry you had to read this... this is one of my worst days yet... until tomorrow.

  6. No need to apologize! I for one may be nearly 3 years behind you on this journey, so I don't have much experience to draw from, but I can still be sympathetic.

    You will always belong here.  I only wish we could alleviate your suffering. 


    I'll echo these thoughts, and I'll be here listening. Hugs.


  7. Hey Mishka, so sorry you are going through this. I don't think I can tell you what's normal, but for me therapy has helped a great deal with sleeping and just being able to say absolutely anything. Especially now that I feel like everyone has gone back to their normal lives, its good to be able to let out as much as I need to and know thatI'm not inconveniencing anyone. As far as passing the time, I'm still trying to figure that out myself. I hope you're able to find something that works for you.

  8. It has only been 8 weeks for me, and I am currently living with my in-laws. I chose this because we have always been very close, and they lived next door to us, so if I want to spend some time in my house, it's in walking distance. The problem is that my BIL and his wife have a newborn, and my in-laws are so enthralled with him-- overly so in my opinion. They are constantly talking about him, saying how adorable he is, he's the most perfect baby, watching videos, wanting to go see him etc. And it really is constant. All hours of the day. I don't think that they understand how hard DW and I tried to start our own family or how badly she wanted to be a mom. To them, their grandson is one of the only bright spots they have, but to me it's just a painful reminder of what we wanted so bad and will never have. I don't think I can stand it any longer. Everytime I see a video of their happy little family it tears me apart. They weren't even trying to have a baby. Ive been leaving the room every time he comes up, and it's not just them. Everyone wants to talk about him, especially her extended family EVERY time they visit. I don't think at this point I can say anything to them about it. Anyway, thanks for hearing my rant. God, how I regret that I couldn't give her what she wanted...

  9. Hi, Mona. It has been 7 weeks since my sweet wife had her accident and I am feeling the exact same way concerning my "friends." I literally haven't heard from my "best friend" since the funeral, where he said the generic "if there's anything I can do.." It has been helpful reading about all the wids here, and I feel like they are finally a group that understands, but it still sucks that seemingly everyone either wants to avoid me or isn't very helpful. Anyway, just want you to know that you're not alone, and I'm so sorry that you are going through this. People suck sometimes.


    his snoring helped get me to sleep lol!!! Crazy huh!!!! And instead of him spooning me I always spooned him lol!!!!


    Ha! That doesn't sound crazy at all. She spooned me as well!!! She loved to joke around about that and tell people. I didn't have much foresight, and just by sheer luck I have one shirt that has her scent. Also, our bed literally hasn't been touched, except for me holding her pillow some, which still has her scent. She always wore the same perfume, and when were dating (long distance part of the time), she used to put it on a sweater that she left at my house. I still have half a bottle of the perfume, and just a few days ago, I took the lid off and smelled it... my knees gave out on me. ha. That smell is like a drug. Its so painful but so sweet to smell it.

  11. Hi, Mrs.johnson. Thank you. I'm gald that you are able to feel closer to your husband in bed, and hear his words. Honestly, I'm not sure what she would say, but I know that she would have just the perfect thing to say, if that makes sense. She was the most compassionate person I knew. She always put me and my needs before herself, and she just had such a way with words that made me feel like I could do anything or overcome anything. So, in that way, I think she would encourage me to sleep wherever I wanted, or whatever I could physically do. But without her I no longer have that strength. We had no connection to the bed itself, and sometimes when we had an over-sized couch we would just just both sleep on it. As far as medication, I don't really like it but I have taken benadryl twice when I was having a panic attack and it calmed me a bit.

  12. Hi, I'm 24 years old and lost my wife of 3 years unexpectedly 6 weeks ago. I don't have any kids, and I grew up with this girl. I've never done anything important without her. I'm sleeping on a couch because I can't bear the thought of being on a bed without her, but I still can't sleep. Bed time was so unique with her. Sometimes we would just laugh and play until 3am, sometimes we would talk about our future, sometimes we would watch youtube, but we would never just go right to sleep. My question is, what are some things that have helped you at night when you were trying to sleep? I feel like I can't rest, like my mind is always going, always reminding me that something's not right. In the middle of the night, I reach for her and panic when she isn't there. I'm so tired. It's unbearable. 

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