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Posts posted by AlisonF

  1. Hi Always,


    You are not alone, all of what you said is so familiar. I'm so so sorry for your loss.


    It's been over 3 months since I lost my husband, it feels like a lifetime. We too were trying to start a family. In the short time that has past, I wondered why we had found each other, only to part is such a sudden and horrific way, but a thought came to me last week, my husband was so very happy to be in love, to love me and to be loved by me. I realised that being together and sharing so much love had made his life so full. His life was short but together we both knew great love. And this is why I believe we found each other. Its heartbreaking that he is not here anymore and we are all without our great loves. But our relationships do not suddenly disappear, they continue only very differently.



    I'm thinking of you here.

  2. Hey,


    I haven't been here in a while. I know how you are feeling, I am seriously lacking a purpose in my life now. For some reason I feel a need to reinvent myself, I have a masters in painting but I need to find some way of feeling fulfilled. I want to do something with my life but I'm stuck in the one spot. My confidence is shattered without my husband. I feel clumsy, stupid and ugly on my own but I know I need to fix that for myself.


    We are able to do anything, look at what we have made it through this far. I know our spouses would want us to be happy and they would believe we can do anything. Some how we have to push ourselves on, one of these days I'll have to better myself and not just in his memory but for me.


    I hope you are able to find strength and peace, I won't say to move forward cause I don't like the word forward, but to move beside and with this loss.

  3. Thank you so much Julie, Manoj and Mizpah. Your words have brought me so much comfort. I just can't help staring into the future without him and the horror of his loss won't leave me. The future is so bleak and nothing holds my attention for long, and I break down again. I'm so glad for the comforting words here, where I live there isn't much of support for this, but I do have wonderful parents and a sister, however they are so worried about me I find them overwhelming. I never thought I'd find myself here, that he will never come home to me again. I haven't had an independent thought since I was 24. Our love was so immense, but reading other people's experiences makes me realise I'm not the only one in the world who feels like this.


    Mizphah I'd love to get sunshine, but unfortunately I live in a country that doesn't get much of it. Maybe I'll move somewhere that does.

  4. Hi there,


    I just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 31 and my wonderful husband passed away 10 days ago. We spent every waking minute together, he loved me more then I could ever imagine. We had a wonderful life together. But he suddenly left this world and me in an accident. I'm so lost, I can't eat, I can't talk and I have this huge missing part of me. I'm going to have to change my entire life, I regret so many things, like not starting a family with him sooner. We were going to travel and save for a house. I feel like I'm grieving him and all the things we had planned. Sometimes this just feel too big for me, he said he'd never leave me but he left me in the worst way possible.

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