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Posts posted by gretchen437

  1. I can't quite fully relate, but I had my children while I was in undergrad. Now I am in a very demanding post graduate program. My children (DD-6, DS-5) are very aware that my schedule flexes based on the amount of work that needs to be done. It makes me feel like a bad parent often. Most days (and weekends) I spend working long after I pick them up from daycare. After their Dad died I got even busier dealing with all the things he would do as well. I try my best to use my down times to make it up to my kids. I don't have any advice on how to help, but I am here if you ever need to talk. (hug)

  2. OK, I shall preface this with an admission I know nothing about basketball and I don't even know the names of the teams playing since I'm in the UK (I don't even know if the superbowl thing is about American football or baseball!).


    I shall join in if people give me a list of teams and a little pointer :)


    Many of the people who make brackets don't follow basketball either. It is more just for fun. All the teams will be listed in a bracket with numbers next to their name listing how good the team is. The number 1 teams are the best 4 teams in the country. I typically just have fun guessing, but I love the Gonzaga University and root for them every year.

  3. Each kid seems to learn in their own way. My daughter took forever, but my son learned fairly quickly. We utilized a scheme of small prizes (like stickers or candy) with an opportunity to a bigger prize (he got a leapfrog when he completely stopped wearing diapers). My only real advice is to not stress out. With my daughter(my oldest) I kept trying to force her and it took much longer. With my son, I let him have more control and it went a lot easier. Good luck, life without diapers is wonderful. :)

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