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Posts posted by twistedmensa

  1. We lived on Cudjoe Key about 20 up US 1 from Key West. DH died at the hospital in Key West. It's very surreal watching all of this knowing that had things been different, we would still be there. I have many people I care about hunkering down in the Keys and many more who have evacuated to Miami, Naples, Orlando and Atlanta. I have so many conflicting emotions right now.

  2. I actually did something interesting for once! My son and I went to a chocolate festival and sampled the decadence. He also climbed a rock wall and and did some bungee jumping. I opted to watch. ;D


    Later, around midnight, my adult daughter and I ventured out to the 24 hour Walmart to get last minute Super Bowl party items...and Walmart at midnight on a Saturday night was as entertaining as the festival.

  3. Fuck feeling overwhelmed so often and over such small things.  Fuuucck the things that sit on my to-do list for ever, fuck that things keep breaking so that list is ever growing, and fuck trying to manage that list yet still be a present parent.  Fuck that the handy person is gone so I am paying through the nose for contractors that I cannot afford, for those things that Google and I simply cannot tackle.  Fuck that I never seem to get to that magic formula of energy + time + motivation.  Fuck that my child could already be a basement hacker, electronics are so present in my house.  My social worker, who was once a divorced parent, said that someone once told her that "being a single parent means failing at everything - failing at housework, parenting, one's job, friends, etc."  Although not a defeatist by nature, and I don't feel that fits for everyone, FUUUCCK that that fits for me!  (right now) (again, there's that hope thing) (hopefully this will change).  Fuck.




    Fuck that I'm only allowed to hit "like" one time for this!!

  4. God doesn't  pick and choose .. I finally found an article someone , I believe on the old widow boards told me about. Its called "one day at a time ,is God at fault " I made a copy , read it often and even share it on my Facebook.


    I enjoyed the article. It's an accurate representation of how my perception of the nature of God has evolved.

  5. I have always enjoyed the solitude of solo trips, even before widowhood.  I rode my motorcycle from Phoenix to the Florida Keys in 2012 to start my new job and look for a house while DH stayed with the kids so they could finish out the school year. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed following my own timetable. I stopped when and where I wanted. It was delightfully selfish...lol. 

  6. I thought I was being handy when I replaced the three prong cord on my dryer with a four prong cord to so it would fit into the electrical outlet of our new house. Of course, I forgot to check the polarity and fried the entire terminal block... :o


    But guess what? You can find a video on how to replace the terminal block online as well! So I did! I didn't have a dryer for two days while I waited for the new terminal block, but I fixed it and didn't need to pay someone $150+...and I didn't need to admit to being the one that fried it in the first place...lol.

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