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About Me

🌟 Surviving Spouse Advocate | Widowed at 42 due to COVID | Fighting for Change 🌟
Hey there, I'm SHANELLE, and I'm walking a path that no one ever prepares you for. I became a surviving spouse at the age of 42 when I lost my beloved husband DANNY to the cruel grip of COVID. DANNY was a loving, caring, awesome husband who did everything a man should and could do at take care of home. My personal “Genie” I would often call him, because he knew what it was to be a real man and always acted like a complete gentleman, even to others. His love and faith for God was impeccable and was always on display. It wasn’t a room he’d walk into that he could brighten up which partially gave him the name “Mr. Sunshine.” he had an aura over him that gravitated people to him especially if there was an issue going on he would always provide Godly uplifting conversation and advice which I miss the most!  We knew each other over 22 years, together for 10 years and married only a year. The sudden loss left me not only with a shattered heart but also navigating a complex financial journey alone. 
I'm here to heal & connect with fellow widows and widowers under the age of 50 who have faced the unimaginable impact of this pandemic. We share a bond that only those who've walked this path can truly understand. Together, we're not just surviving; we're advocating for change.
The current Social Security benefits system overlooks our unique challenges. Waiting until the age of 50 if disabled or 60 for support is an additional burden that many of us can't bear. I believe it's time for reform - for equitable benefits that acknowledge the struggles we face.
Join me on this journey of raising awareness, uniting our voices, and demanding urgent reform. Let's stand up for the young survivors, the ones who will never completely heal, but left picking up the pieces of our lives while navigating financial uncertainty. Together, we can make a difference, not just for ourselves, but for all those who'll face similar challenges in the future. 🌼 Let's turn our pain into purpose. Together, let's shape a more compassionate world for pandemic-affected surviving spouses under 50.  Please sign our petition at https://chng.it/hQrrbYcZNm

🌼 #SurvivingSpousesUnite #AdvocateForChange

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