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Why does every little thing throw me for a loop


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Just when I think I have fully moved on.  I was actually going to post two days ago about how I thought I was ready to move on at one point, but now I realize, I was not ready then. I was feeling so confident and good that NOW I am fully healed. By all outward signs, I am great.  in a good long term relationship with Chapter 2 and moving forward towards blending with a person I love very much and think about constantly. Busy at work. Dealing with day to day with kids. Life moves on, right?

I don't know if it is because I am still getting used to the new norms in my life, but odd things give me an adrenaline spike. When Ch2 says things that are critical of others (as we all do), I am way oversensitive. I react different when my own kids make the same critical comments. When Ch2 kids do certain things i am not used to, I spike and am not sure if I should try to correct them or simply let it go and live with it.  When ch2 has a bad day or is tired, it stresses me out in a way i am simply not used to.  I have 'friends' that don't seem as keen for me to move on as I am.  they have been disruptive. Now, everything is loaded. When we go to a party, we are both highly stressed about seeing those friends. If I see a post on Facebook they like, it causes instant stress. I worry every day about running into these people, especially with Ch2 at my side. I have chosen sides, I pick me and chapter 2, but that doesn't seem to make the stress go away. There is a lot of baggage as we have wasted much good time arguing about my 'friends' and I have capitulated as I see now they are not really on board. But the baggage that comes from all those discussions doesn't go away.  and they are huge triggers for both of us.

I am thrilled with Chapter 2. Far exceeds my expectations in so many ways.  So why do all these things throw me for a loop?

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TJ, I deactivated my fb account months go and I am so thankful I did that. I saw phoney bs life events when I know that their lives are so full of shit.  I was thinkinking how difficult my life is and why? Facebook is Fakebook to me. They all post shiny happy events when shit is happening to them to but just don't post it

Who needs that?

Social media sucks as time goes on.  I'm done buying the bullshit. Ill just do my best living one day at a time OFF line! Hey we survived without the internet before it came, we can do it now too.

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