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OT: Electrical/Cable Question


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So yesterday I was in my kitchen which opens into my living room. From the living room, I heard a very loud pop sound - like on of those cork guns but louder. The TV promptly went out. I checked to see if everything was still plugged in as occasionally my cats crawl behind the TV cabinet and get caught up in the cords. All was still plugged in, but there was a hot wire smell. The cable box felt pretty warm, but I don't ever feel it to know if it always gets that warm. The breaker is flipped in the breaker box. I am afraid to flip it back on and retry the TV as I'm afraid it will catch on fire.


What do you think? Okay to try again or call someone? I'm not sure whether to call the cable company or the maintenance department (as I'm in a rental) first. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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So yesterday I was in my kitchen which opens into my living room. From the living room, I heard a very loud pop sound - like on of those cork guns but louder.


Sounds like a short circuit, or possibly a power surge.


All was still plugged in, but there was a hot wire smell. The cable box felt pretty warm, but I don't ever feel it to know if it always gets that warm.


Can you isolate the source of the smell?  Is it from the TV, the cable box or something else?


The cable box felt pretty warm, but I don't ever feel it to know if it always gets that warm.


Was the cable box getting adequate ventilation - open space above it and on the sides?


The breaker is flipped in the breaker box. I am afraid to flip it back on and retry the TV as I'm afraid it will catch on fire.


It's a good idea to unplug everything before you flip the breaker back on. Make sure you have a fully-charged fire extinguisher with an ABC rating. I could suggest other steps, but since I'm not an electrician and I can't see inside your home, it might be best if you contacted a professional electrician about this.


Hopefully this is just a case of your cable box shorting out. The cable company should replace that.


Keep us posted!

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Thank you for replying. I think the smell was coming from either the cable box or the wire going to the outlet. I should have paid closer attention. I'll know to do that next time. Yes, the cable box has plenty of space around it for ventilation. I have it all unplugged. I also do have a fire extinguisher that I bought not too long ago. I may just go ahead and have maintenance check it out just to be safe. I am afraid of getting shocked somehow. I have a defibrillator and I would imagine that might likely set it off as well.


Thank you so much again. Sometimes you just need someone to talk these things over with as you would have with your spouse. I appreciate you filling that role for me this evening.


Hugs to you...

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Sounds like a short in your cable box. When you say the TV went out, I'm guessing it "went out" because it didn't have power to it anymore via the tripped breaker.


Just unplug everything from that receptacle (assuming cable box and/or tv?) and reset the breaker (turn to off first, then to on ... breakers tend to sit in the middle when tripped). If the circuit holds, then your short is whatever was plugged into that receptacle. Again, by the sound of it, I guess the cable box.


Hope this helps.

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Thank you for responding, MissingJoan. I was all set to actually check this out myself today when my nephew texted asking if he could stop by to visit tomorrow. So, I'm going to wait and have him check it out with me. I'm surviving without the TV downstairs for now, which is an accomplishment for me as I watch a lot of TV since my husband died. Mostly I think it is for the noise. The quiet seems so loud right now.


Thank you, again.

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Okay, I hadn't planned to post an update to my post as it is rather embarrassing, but I have been encouraged to do so to hopefully give some of you a laugh.


I'm very glad I decided to have my nephew check out the situation for me, as opposed to calling the maintenance dept.. It turns out that one of my cats apparently peed on the power strip box my TV, etc. was plugged into, which caused the breaker to shut off, etc.. I was mortified. It is a mystery, though, because we couldn't figure out how it happened as the entertainment center is really close to the wall and the power strip was tucked behind it. I can't see how any of the cats could have fit themselves back there, so we have surmised one of them must have backed up and somehow sprayed back in there. Ugh!! I'm hoping that loud popping sound scared the cat enough to ensure no repeat attempts. I have 4 cats (yes, approaching crazy cat lady status), so I have no idea which one of them did it or more importantly why??


Thankfully I just needed to get a new power strip and all is working fine again. Just in time for The Walking Dead tonight.

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Okay, I hadn't planned to post an update to my post as it is rather embarrassing, but I have been encouraged to do so to hopefully give some of you a laugh.


Well, it sure gave me a laugh!


My cat has clawed at least 3 rugs in the house. I'd much prefer to lose a power strip.

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So glad you got it figured out and it was an easy fix.

Lol cats are terrible! Mine will meow constantly to warn me she is about to use the floor instead of the litter box, She usually doesn't give me enough time to get to her though, she is very picky about her litter box being cleaned out.

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Guest TooSoon

OMG, that is awesome.  I thought stuff like that only happened over here at chaotic crazy house.  One of my cats likes to defecate on M's keyboard.  Why?  I love them (the cats) but they are ruining my life. 


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