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It's been a month . . .


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I'm so sorry, Pam. Our minds have a way of marking each significant passing of time - especially in the beginning. For me, it was just trying to get through each Tuesday, until one Tuesday I realized that I almost made it through the whole day without realizing it marked the number of weeks since Marsha had died. Then, it was getting through each 8th of the month....



The passage of time will dull the the pain. It will be gradual at first and you probably won't take much of an account until one day you realize: "Hey, I didn't even realize yesterday that X weeks had passed." There is a subtle comfort in that knowledge; that THAT day is losing its power over you. It doesn't mean that we are forgetting our loved one, or that they lose significance in our life. Instead, it means we are learning to move forward and not let death & loss strangle OUR living. In a lot of ways, I feel a duty to try to live my life to its fullest since Marsha doesn't have that option. And I know she would want me to.

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Sorry to see you here Pam.

I agree with Justin my wife had medical injury on a Tuesday and a week later tuesday her condition worsen and 2 weeks later Tuesday she was no more. Every Tuesday I think of not crying but one thing leads to another and then I am crying. More I try to control more I cry. First few weeks I was like so many days have passed now I am like so many weeks have passed. So please hang on and things will eventually get little better, we will never forget them but will learn to live without them one day at a time. Also keep posting as it really helps.

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Justin hit is so exactly right. For me, it's Thursday, today. I can tell you it's been exactly 7 months and a week. I no longer track the days nor the weeks so much but I know the months. I will say the more time passes, the blow softens. It's not so raw anymore. The sadness is always near the surface. Patience and taking your own pace is key.



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Pam... same. 53 days since calling 911. Every Tuesday night is a replay of the horror. I had to start distracting myself from that to some degree... It's OK if all you can do in a moment is breathe. There is no way you're being gentle enough with yourself...never too gentle:) XO

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