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One of the types of people I've found I commonly have to deal with through this process are what I've lovingly refer to as The Vultures.


They are just like the bird. Ugly, annoying garbage feeders that circle you to pick at the remains they feel entitled to.


There are the information vultures. An example of this for me was the local news showing up days after my husband died trying to get 'the story' on my husband. Looking for a puff piece to feed their viewers. Not considering maybe hey it's none of your damned business.


Then there are the emotional vultures. People who think they should get a front row seat to my pain. They judge me for not crying when they think I should. They try to 'bond' like they can relate because they lost a sister or friend. My grief is my grief. You are not entitled to see it. I will share when I want.


Then there are the Things Vultures. Those that feel entitled to money, my husband's stuff...these are usually family I've found.


All vultures have one thing in common. A false sense of entitlement.


Remember it's your story.


It's your feelings and grief.


And it's your stuff.


Don't let those mangy vultures get you down.



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It really is sad about vultures.  You can spot them so fast.  Thankfully I never dealt with media, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.  Family, so called friends, coming around when they think they can get something.  Too sad for them KK.  I had them around too and just say Boo,, they scurry off like the pathetic ones they are.  Stay Widda Strong!!

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