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Common Widda Acronyms/Abbreviations


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Below is a compilation of common Acronyms/Abbreviations you may come across in this forum:


BAG - Beyond Active Grieving

BF - Boyfriend

BIL - Brother-in-law

BOL - Brother-out-of-law

DD - Dear Daughter

DF - Dear Fiance

DGI - Don't Get It

DH - Dear Husband

DS - Dear Son

DSD - Dear Step-daughter

DSS - Dear Step-son

DW - Dear Wife

FIL - Father-in-law

FML - F*ck My Life

FOL - Father-out-of-law

FWB - Friend with Benefits

FWIW - For what it's worth

GF - Girlfriend

IRL - In Real Life

LH - Late Husband

LW - Late Wife

MIL - Mother-in-law

MOL - Mother-out-of-law

NG- New Guy/Girl

SIL - Sister-in-law

SOL - Sister-out-of-law

SOS - Survivor of Suicide

YMMV - Your Milage May Vary


For additional common abbreviations, please see the following link:




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