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Love letters


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We are starting to clean up and de clutter in preparation for a possible move.  Yesterday was a cool day so I had my son and 2 of his friends empty out the attic and put everything in the garage for me to go through so no one would have to be up there in June or July.  Mostly baby stuff, some furniture and some old clothes but there was one box of personal stuff I don't remember packing when we moved here 15 years ago. 


In that box were love letters and cards from DH. The summer of 1989 I was home from college for the summer and we were separated for the first time in our young relationship.  Since it was pre email and texting we would send each other letters during the week even though we saw each other most weekends.  I had forgotten all about them.


For so much of our marriage I felt a lack of affection and attention from DH and to read the letters from those early days was amazing.  So full of "can't live without you" "I want to hold you forever" "someday we will marry and have 3 kids and a big house"  and him wishing we had more time alone. 


Sigh...why did we take each other for granted? Why did we lose that intensity? 

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I have been methodically going through every box, bin, drawer etc. now that I am putting my house back in order from remodeling.  Finding those treasures are both wonderful and agonizing all at the same time...and some days down right infuriating as I find cards and notes in the oddest of places, I have discovered just how bad a DISORGANIZED pack rat my wife really was.


But I still love her and love finding these treasures...enjoy them.

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I haven't been brave enough to get out the love letters, someday I will..

I think every relationship loses it's intensity and excitement once you get more comfortable with each other. I also think as time progresses the love deepens and you become more secure, not having the feeling like you have to be constantly on your best behaviour, at least that's how it was for me anyways..I was talking to my sil about that how my dh was the only person in my life that I had no problem confronting about issues, because I knew he wouldn't leave, as I said that I teared up because he did leave, not in the sense that he packed his bags and left, but gone all the same..

I used to ask him if he missed the early days when things in our relationship were more exciting and new, he always answered no, he preferred the ease and comfort of familiarity. So for some people once established in the relationship, they don't feel the need to be romantic or loving all the time, because they feel confident that no matter what that other person will always be there for them, maybe that's how your husband felt?! It is easy to take people for granted and it seems to be those we love the most that we do take for granted.

Good luck with the clean up and decluttering, and may you find more treasures along the way :)

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