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Everything posted by Sad-confused

  1. Karin I am sorry for your loss and I feel the same way you do, like time may be making it worse not better. I am in the same spot and can't say much to comfort as right now I feel exactly the same way. I wait for my wife everyday. I keep thinking this is a cruel joke or a nightmare that I will wake up from. Like you I keep getting told how strong I am and how it will get better, but it does not feel like it. I am also scared like you. I don't know who I am alone, she was so much of me that I am lost. I am not sure if it helps to know I feel the same. I wish I could do something to take the pain away as I know what I am feeling and I wish that no one else had to feel this way. I am sending my love
  2. Hello everyone, Thank you so much for your responses. It is the first time that I feel like someone understands. All of your stories help me understand that what I am going through is normal and I am not going crazy. It just feels like it sometimes. I am a little better today and I am focusing on my daughter and making sure that I am always there for her. I just need to keep moving forward one day at a time. I am glad that I am here and I am sorry for all your loses. I hope we can all get through this together.
  3. My Wife passed on July 20th at 11:55 PM. Since then I don't feel like me. At first I could not sleep, now I have a hard time waking up. I cry uncontrollably. Then I have a few days where I feel like maybe there is some way that I can deal with this and then I fall apart again. We have a wonderful daughter that I am now responsible for, but I have no idea what I am doing. I just want her back. I have a successful career that I now don't care about and just want to quit. There are so many things that I promised her like a trip to Paris and to ride the orient express that I failed to give her. How can I do this? What is the point? When will I stop hurting? Why do I feel so out of control and so confused and why does everyone keep telling me that I am doing fine. I am no where near fine.
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