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Posts posted by Bubu27

  1. Exactly that @sudnlysngl. I understand such questions are inevitable is some environments but turning our answers into some kind of circus and dragging the subject unnecessarily (not to mention stupid facial expressions) is not welcome to say the least.


    As for making a complaint, I did not but had my chance to say how I felt. My bank sent me a customer satisfaction survey after the visit and I answered all the questions honestly - overall he was knowledgeable, professional (well, at least most of the time) etc but then in the additional comments box I briefly described the situation and my take on it. I said I understood some people react differently (and asked them not to penalise him for it) but said that one would expect more tact from such a respectable bank's staff.

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  2. There is a difference between though huh and it comes down to the context and a person who says it. Tough, huh coming from a close friend or a therapist is odd but ok (not the most tactful reaction, is it). Tough huh with a stupid grin coming from a bank adviser, when I clearly closed the subject with this one sentence ( my husband passed away), is not ok. 


    At least not in my book.

  3. You are so funny @soloact 😂


    Interestingly, this guy didn't hurt me. I was actually looking at him in disbelief thinking - what a twat! Is he for real?


    When I have to say that my husband passed away, people usually say I am sorry and change the subject or apologise for asking and look uncomfortable yet this guy looked like he was having a time of his life cracking jokes! The more I think of it, the more pissed of I get though. Do you think I should make a complaint about him? The whole conversation was recorded (as they do for monitoring and training purposes) so maybe it would be good if they used my example as a lesson of how NOT to joke with widows?

  4. So I went to the bank today to renew my savings account and the advisor started by completing a questionnaire. He looked at me with a massive smile and asked -  I can see you are happily married?:) (I wear my engagement and wedding ring on, not planning to remove it ever) to which I replied - my husband passed away 3 years ago. He paused for a while then looked at me, lowered his voice and said - it's been three years. TOUGH, HAH? With the most annoying grin ever. I smiled back saying nothing.


    Just speechless

  5. I don't think @Portside meant to be rude but I do understand why @Sthomp0291 felt the way she did. I would feel the same. But at the same time Mike only expressed his opinion to which he is completely entitled to. He surely could have worded it differently and in a (much) less patronising way - I know from my experience how much more sensitive I have become after I lost Ken and how easily offended you can be in the first months/ years after the loss. But he worded it the way he did and I am sure the backlash got to him too.


    Let's all move on and don't forget that every single one of us is grieving and we all grieve differently. Sometimes we all say crude things that we later regret, no need to dwell on them. If I read responses I don't like here, I too get upset but quickly let go. After the greatest loss of my life I am not going to waste my energy on some strangers' remarks and opinions. And no disrespect to anyone here xx










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  6. @RyanAmysMom Yes I do understand it. I should have gone with Ken to A&E 3 days after his first sepsis symptoms occurred. Even though I didn't know it was sepsis I felt something wasn't right. And even though I was reminding Ken to mention his symptoms (shivering, vomiting etc) to them, I chose to stay home to finish of the essay for my University.  Had I gone with him that day, sepsis might have been detected earlier and Ken could still be here today. Or might have not but I will never know and have to leave with the guilt till I die.

  7. Thank you @laurie27. One of my good friends was surprised that I was still crying at 6 weeks... Can you imagine? Like loosing your husband was something you can forget and move on. I am 3.5 yrs in (feels like yesterday and eternity ago at the same time) and from my experience, there is no getting over it. You learn to live with the pain.


    As for the funeral itself, I didn't have energy to do anything and it certainly wasn't the time and place. In the first months, up to a year I would say, I needed Ken's family that had been close to us when Ken was alive, to call and ask how I was. Apart from two of his sisters (none of whom I had known before), not a single person ever reached out to me. Nobody. His friends (I thought they were my friends too) disappeared too. 


    It doesn't make it easier but it is good to know that I am not the only one who had to experience not only the biggest lost ever but also such despicable treatment from "the family".





  8. @InOverMyHead couldn't summarise it better! People don't understand that not having children is not a blessing in such scenario and that we not only grieve our husbands but also the children we will never have.


    As for being ignored by his family, 100%. Ken had sons with his previous partner (they separated some 20 years ago) and even though we got married, his family and friends showed their true colours after Ken passed away. Mother of his children has been stirring shit telling everyone that I don't have right to anything as she had Ken's kids (bad luck my darling, legally I am Ken's wife), his sons now hate me and even during the funeral, in the procession from the chapel to his resting place, they all left me behind and jumped in front of me to follow the coffin. Like I was a stranger, random spectator, not Ken's wife. Back then I barely breathed so couldn't react, now I don't care anymore. But it is not cool to be treated like dirt at your own husband's funeral.

    • Sad 1
  9. Thank you @Widower40. I know that had Ken survived, he would have had his feet/ legs amputated, he could be brain damaged and his life would have been hell. That's what sepsis would do to him and that's what I try to think about when my grief gets unbearable. In this respect, I'm glad he doesn't have to suffer but it doesn't change the fact that my life without him is hell.

    Thank you for what you said though, it made me stop and think 

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  10. I can only admire people, like you, who are strong enough to carry on. I too carry on as I have no choice but it doesn't change the fact that the more time passes, the less energy and will to carry on I have. 


    I am really happy for you to be able to understand and accept your late husband is not coming back but I don't understand and certainly don't accept the fact that my Ken is gone. I know that's the reality but I will never be OK with it. And this is my right not to accept it. Whether it is setting myself up for failure or not, it doesn't matter. My life finished 3.5 years ago.

  11. Unfortunately I disagree that it gets better. The nightmare simply changes forms. At least for me.


    I'm almost 3.5 years and from that perspective - 1 year was a complete and utter nightmare (I don't remember first months at all, couldn't eat/ breath, was numb most of it from heavy medications, cried all the time, wanted to die and was quite vocal about it); 2nd year a different nightmare (still on antidepressants, still cried but emotions suppressed by the medication so grief seemed less intense; wrote my will and put up our memorial with both Ken and my name on it); 3rd year - I can function pretty much normal (in terms of looking after yourself/ planning meals/ keeping our flat clean etc and not socialising as I do not at all) but it is the sheer sadness that runs through my veins. I haven't truly smiled since Ken died and nothing can change it. Have moments  of "normality" (when I am with my nephew once every few months) but this overwhelming sadness never leaves me. It is in the 3rd year that I have probably started realizing Ken is gone for good. And even now, like yesterday, I opened the door and for whatever reason expected to see my husband there. This year anxiety attacks started and frankly, I feel much worse then Year 2. I cry less but anything random can trigger it and when I cry, it is like I was crying my heart out. It feels like the cry from Year 1. And I started thinking about dying more often again. 


    I know that some people get better overtime but I didn't and don't think it will ever change. The grief simply evolved and I have been learning to "live" without physical presence of Ken but nevertheless I am still the same quadruple amputee (emotionally/ mentally and spiritually) an only having Ken back could fix it.

  12. Ignore this "therapist" completely!!!! With his views he shouldn't be in this profession! I have kept everything as it was on the day he was taken to hospital and not planning to change anything! For the first few months I would sleep with/ wear Ken's tops and even though I don't do it anymore, I cannot imagine getting rid of anything. Do what is right for you and as soon as someone tells you what to do/ what not to do/ how to and not to grieve, simply turn around and leave. They have no right to impose their twisted ideas on you as this is the last thing you need. x

  13. I don't want to see a doctor as they will surely prescribe some antidepressants and I will not take them. I was on them for 2 yrs and put on 21kgs. Lost half of it now but still feeling like an elephant and HATE it. 

    I have been thinking what might have caused this anxiety and it was a long weekend here so I had 3 days of being stuck in an empty flat. I didn't see anyone, all my entertainment was to go (as I always do ) to the cemetery but on top of that I just came back from a week's long vacation in Spain. It was with my parents and my sister, my brother in law and their son. Upon my return last Tue I was already starting to feel anxious. I often visit either my parents at home or my sister in Spain so I am used to it but this time we went all together to a new place. And I think that caused the anxiety. Subconsciously I was uncomfortable - I should be holidaying with Ken , my sister has a family - something I no longer have or will have. No jealousy there but all this triggered the state I am in right now.  That is what I think. And the fact that was the long weekend with everyone enjoying their lives with their loved ones and me locked in an empty flat.

    Even today as I write this I am feeling more normal - I am at work so in a familiar environment. 


    I hope my diagnosis is right and I will slowly recover but one thing I have learnt is that I am still extremely fragile. I have known this but now I have a proof. And that scare me a little bit because I know that if anything in my life changes suddenly, I will  fall apart


  14. I'm 3yrs and almost 4months and that's exactly how I have been dealing with grief. Been isolating myself and not changing anything (had our flat repainted in December but it didn't feel like a drastic change). Other then this, Ken's clothes remain as they were, his toiletries and toothbrushes, shoes, everything. That keeps me sane and even though I have been struggling since Sat, I will not alter anything. I couldn't. 

    On Sat it was his birthday and apart from my mum and one close friend nobody acknowledged it. Maybe that triggered this awful anxiety

    Thank you all for responding to me. I didn't want to worry my family but it's good to know that I have you around if I need x

  15. It feels extreme. I was much better, felt safe at home, was looking forward to my evening's and weekends but from Sat I am scared to be on my own and too exhausted to go out. Every hour feels like eternity. And I have nothing to look forward to. Next trip to see my sister in Spain in 3weeks, great but this is not life if I only live to survive from one trip to another. Taking long baths has been the only comfort from the day that Ken died but now I get into the bath and start crying/ feeling super anxious. And then I think, let me get out and have a cigarette to calm down but then the panic comes that I can have a smoke and then still so many hours on my own before I can go to bed and sleep. And even then I will need to wake up in the morning and live this nightmare all over again. I was thinking about going to see my doctor but don't have energy to explain how I feel and I don't want to worry my family, they think I am better.


  16. And I always felt comfortable at home but now home feels like prison but when I got out I want to be back home and not see people living their happy lives. Vicious circle that I can't escape. Please help and tell me that is normal and that anxiety will go away

  17. On Sat it was Ken's birthday. I thought I would be better from Sun but I still feel like I was loosing my mind. I always spend my weekends and evenings alone at home but now ( it's the bank holiday weekend here in the UK) I feel like a prisoner in my own home/ life. I have meltdowns every 5mins but not just normal meltdowns, they feel more like panick attacks. Im short of breath, have racing thoughts and nothing brings comfort. I can't concentrate on music/ tv, when I think of my nephew ( that usually brings me comfort) I burst into tears that I will never be a mother, when I think of my parents I burst into tears that one they they will be gone and I will be even more alone that I am now. I'm also phisically exhausted - I have slept for most of today and Saturday which is actually a blessing - when I sleep I am not living this. 

    I'm actually concerned, I haven't felt that anxious/ down for a couple of years and now it feels like I have fallen into the deepest black hole. I'm scared and so fucking sad

  18. FUCK all my colleagues happily sharing with me details of their happy lives. I am sick and tired of listening to your joyful plans with your husbands for the long weekend, don't want to know how you decorate your houses, how great your husbands are and how fast your kids are gowing! I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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