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  1. We talked about movies we liked.. he said I should watch Memento... It's about a man who lost his wife?! I'm not liking this movie one bit.
  2. Wanted to correct the wording... It was "Ah, there's so much stuff I wish I would've gotten into. I still can"
  3. everything is just always so "meh" for me. IDK. I finally found a guy I liked but we live so far apart and I'm just not willing to uproot my life at all to travel and meet/see him. He is too busy to come my way, so I guess that's it. Then I joined match.com. It's whatever. I'm not excited or hopeful or anything. I start talking to another widow that's like 3 hrs away. (not too bad in Texas distance). I know I over-analyze everything but I mentioned something I was going to do and he was like.... "So much I wanted to do. I still can" I didn't bring up anything about it. But it keeps speaking to me.... there is so much I wanted to do and I'm not sure if I still can. I keep trying, but are they pipe dreams or can they be a reality? Ugh
  4. Where ya at? What ya been up to?
  5. I can understand that! I come and go over the years. Sometimes I frequent often, other times I stay gone for months at a time.
  6. I recently met a guy I really like but am too scared to meet him. I am dieting like a mad woman. I didn't think I could even like people again, let alone possibly be all caught up in them.
  7. How's your diet going AC?
  8. Couldn't get on here at all all night but I finally am in today! Can't believe the news about YWBB.
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