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Everything posted by downinahole

  1. ToRn, It is apparent, through the joking and playing aorund, that y'all get along well together. Try not to overthink the perfect dating experience that she would enjoy. It seems like she simply enoys your company. If y'all were friends before, it seems like y'all would be sharing the ride to the destination. In the car is where y'all will be getting to know each other. Take your time, drive at a casual pace, talk and learn about each other. The final destination is secondary. The journey to that final destination is the actual date. Just my 2 cents.
  2. Thank you so much for that wonderful Christmas youtube gift. i absolutely adore that song. i adore it so much that i extracted my two front teeth to distract me from that god-awful song. i will send my dentist bill to you. haha
  3. Sounds like a great location for some of us southern folks. Keep me informed. I should be able to make it. There is always a great time to be had in New Orleans.
  4. Who are the rappers? What genre are they known for? Gangsta, hip-hop, rock/rap, etc.? Not all rap is the same and the audience can very greatly. It could be the safest concert in the world or the most dangerous depending on the artist giving the concert. ETA: "most dangerous" is too harsh of words. Point being that the artist/rapper sets the tone of the concert.
  5. I have really enjoyed watching the Little League World Series so far. The coaches are mic?d up and they epitomize what good coaching should be, encouraging and calm. The boys are still playing a game for the fun of it. One young pitcher was amazed at a monster grand slam that was hit off of him. He turned and watched it go out the park with his mouth open with admiration. He wasn't upset in least. He was in awe. Just a head up for those parents interested.
  6. Why didn?t you just ask your boyfriend if he knew the woman? Am I missing something?
  7. It was my comment that was deleted. I should have kept my opinion to myself or used much more appropriate language. I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone. Not that I have any say so, but censor me, not that whole thread. Once my comment was deleted, it was like I was never there. I will refrain from commenting on serious threads in the future. A lot of great information was lost in that thread.
  8. Sorry no one remembered. Sending a big hug and a happy birthday
  9. The brackets, [team], indicate your national champion pick.
  10. Notre Dame almost pulled off the upset. Great game
  11. I'm sure some people would assume the same about me.
  12. Just got back from my 16 yo daughter's HS softball game. She was 3/4, 6 rbi's w/ a 3 run homerun in a 10-1 win. Good day for my daughter. Good day to be her dad
  13. True story on basketball themes. I ran late to see one of my daughter's basketball game this year. When I arrived, everyone in the stands tells me about my daughter's 3/4 length basket to beat the halftime buzzer. It was only the JV game so there was no video of it. It sucked not seeing it in person but she was quite proud of it. On a less serious note, I will proudly submit my Sweet 16 picks later
  14. Interesting Note: As of last night, out of more than 11.5 million brackets entered in ESPN's Tournament Challenge, only 1 bracket remains perfect. Only 1 out of 11.5 MILLION entries.
  15. DIAH looks down at the NCAA pool standings book. He is no longer in last place by himself. Now he is TIED for last place. Happiness ensues..
  16. Thanks. I did so bad yesterday, I can only laugh at myself. I might as well have fun with it and make up ridiculous post. ;D
  17. Boy, I did really bad yesterday. Ain't this fun! ;D
  18. DIAH awakens and, along with his trusty servant Patsy, rides to the widda board in anticipation of being hailed as the greatest NCAA tournament analyst to ever live. On his way to the widda board, rumors run rampant. The master NCAA tournament predictor, DIAH, has not fared well. Catcalls of "Loser", "Idiot" and "Imbecile" is directed his way throughout his journey. He looks up and thinks he sees one of his competitors directly taunting him. Undaunted, DIAH heads to the NCAA thread on the widda board and looks for AC, the head honcho of the thread and tournament organizer. He looks down at his busted bracket, sees his many wrong picks and becomes sad. AC says to DIAH "Don't worry, today's a newt day" DIAH says "... AC blushes and says "Sorry, a NEW day. Today is a NEW day and there is a lot of basketball left to be played"
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