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Bear Tomás

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Posts posted by Bear Tomás

  1. I love women but I don't see marriage in my future. Even living with a woman for six months was too much togetherness for me. I have a few friends here in FL who call themselves polyamorous and one who calls himself solo poly, which means he has a few close relationships but he prefers to live alone. It is not one night stands or casual sex. They call it "ethical non-monogamy".


    That's interesting. Thanks for the information.


    Maybe it's just my fear of commitment?  :)

  2. I have never felt the need to re-marry or to even re-couple. I actually think it is not realistic to expect one woman to be your everything. You may connect with one woman intellectually, another emotionally, maybe another creatively. It is probably why divorce is so high. Just my thoughts.


    I still love Laurie and miss her every day (no woman has made my laugh so hard) but I often felt like a trapped animal ready to chew off my own leg during our marriage. Unfortunately, my children saw this side of me and told me as adults that I probably should never had married. But they also knew I really loved their mom and would have died for her.

  3. I love women but I don't see marriage in my future. Even living with a woman for six months was too much togetherness for me. I have a few friends here in FL who call themselves polyamorous and one who calls himself solo poly, which means he has a few close relationships but he prefers to live alone. It is not one night stands or casual sex. They call it "ethical non-monogamy". 



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