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Posts posted by TofinoMan

  1. Drive.......  I fly for a living and don't consider it fun on a holiday.


    Remember peoples phone numbers  or  only able to call because they are in your phones contacts?



    Ps. I can go on a month long trip and maybe have 1 cell phone picture if I am lucky when i get home....and its probably of a bike, car, helicopter, boat or my daughter is all.

  2. Hope the chaos in the UK should be a wake-up call to the American voters, because the same socio-economic who voted for Brexit are responsible for getting Trump to where he is - white, unemployed, anti-globalisation xenophobes.


    I have to put on my moderator hat for moment as this statement was brought to our attention. Politics are a tricky thing in a forum like this so we want to keep in mind that anyone needing support from all viewpoints and backgrounds need to feel welcome here. Although I do not believe there was any ill will intended against any member nor do I want to discourage open discussion from any member, making characterizations based on political leanings can have that effect for those that may have the leaning being described. Debate, thoughts, opinions are welcome but just make sure to mind that line. Thank you. Please return to your regularly scheduled thread.


    I would not report the comment or let it bother me because it doesn't personally affect me or cause harm in any way.

    But i will say that i disagree when i read it as well.

    So thanks Jess

  3. Even her Twitter handle is nasty.

    Kittypunch1 and she expects to be taken seriously.

    And the shot of her is meant to look trashy.


    I'm usually way too trusting and get called gullible by my friends.

    But she or he posing as a she sure gives me a bad gut feeling.

    Why not a phone number to call like a true business instead of an email only.

    Generally a legit business is quick to say hey call me at 555 555 5555.

  4. My 2 cents is simple.

    A long time ago when you started having feelings for her you needed to sit down and have a talk.

    No beating around the bush or subtlety.

    Just needed to say....I've fallen in Love with you and want us to be a real couple!

    No more open or casual relationship.

    Just you and I forever and ever!


    Otherwise she did nothing wrong and your hurt because you didn't commit.


    I am upfront and honest with people.

    Everyone is just a pal unless I say the words I LOVE  YOU AND ONLY YOU AND I WANT US TO BE A COUPLE AND ONLY US!

  5. I fear police.

    They are the one and only group that scares me.

    I've witnessed their brutality and rampant corruptness.

    Gangs other than the police gang do not cause me any concerns, because I do not partake of the lifestyle, so I am not a worry to them, so that they have no desire to harm me.

    But police in Canada are so extremely corrupt, and held unaccountable for their actions.

    Want to get away with beatings, rape, murder, robbery, drug use, just becom3 a cop and you're exempt from following the law.

    When it should be that they lead the cleanest lifestyle of all, and lead by example.

    My last witnessing of their corruption was in my very own neighborhood just last summer.

    It is vial what they do, and never held accountable.

    If cops were kind and nice, and did their job to serve and protect as they should. ....people would like and respect them then.

    They are hated because of their own actions.

    And they just cover for each other.....its called  The Blue Wall internally.

    See a fellow officer break the law, you not only don't report it, but you lie to cover their ass.

    I see a few Hells Angels and feel zero fear.

    I see a cop and i wonder if i am the next victim to suffer their sadistic ways.

  6. I was looking for this thread yesterday evening, but couldn't find it. Anyway, I'll introduce myself here now.


    I grew up in a community/group that had quite some different customs, etc. as the place I live now. I was fourteen when I married my twenty-year-old husband Michael. We were married a little over five years when he died in April 2015.


    What makes it more painful is that I was pregnant at the time he died. He didn't even know if it was a boy or girl. I learned it was a girl about a week later, the same day I lost our daugther. I had nothing left so when I got the chance to leave I did.


    Where I live now, our marriage isn't considered legal, which makes it so much harder to talk about any of this. Especially because no one here knew my husband. The past year I've been trying to pick up the pieces and building a new life for myself. There hasn't been much room for my feelings, so the pain of loosing him is only really starting to hit me now.


    Thank you for providing this place,



    Hello Ruth.

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Welcome to the club that it sucks you had to join.

    These are good people here.

    I'm new yet, but I think this place is a God send.

    Please call me Fly as everyone else does.


  7. Background first...I'm about 4.5 years out.  Have always been open to the idea of dating but at the same time have had no desire to date.  If I notice a guy paying attention to me or flirting I have always freaked out a bit and not known what to do...but never have given it more than a passing thought...


    But...I had a guy start flirting with me...when I realized what was happening I started freaking out but since I was on my bike and climbing a tough hill couldn't freak out for long.  So started flirting back. I sort of liken it to the kids opening up to you in the car.  You can't look right at them so it makes it a lot easier.


    Of course I went out and bought a few new really cute cycling tops, done a bit of obsessing over every conversation we had, etc...  Who knew that a little attention would turn me into a teenager again?


    Regardless of if I ever run into him again it's been fun having a crush...who knew?


    That is nice that you enjoyed it

  8. (((((((HUGS)))))))) Thank you all. I don't feel brave, I feel small and scared-- what if I go through all this, I do the work, but there's nothing on the other side? What if okay is the best I can hope for?


    I know-- what ifs are useless. What if some wonderful insight changes my life for the better?


    I'm not good at the Norman Vincent Peale stuff-- never could do much with positive thinking. But any movement has got to be better than sitting here, stuck and miserable. Hopefully we'll be able to look back, a few months (years?) down the road and think, Hey, we did that, and we're better off. Yay us. :)


    But to try even if you do fail....is better than to not try at all.

    But I hope you have faith (won't say positive thinking ) that it can help at least somewhat.

    Blessings Jen.

  9. In this day and age most online stuff is not serious at all.

    A good friend of mine went online.

    This guy is the total package.




    Good looking



    Well the women were creepy or not serious or drunks....he gave up.

    I suggested an actual dating service, or ad in the newspapers.

    Women who read the paper and write an actual email are a lot more serious than online flakes.

    This lady wrote him, and they exchanged a few emails and then a few calls. Now they are together for months and very happy.

    She is a sweetheart.

    If in 20 years from now i ever want to find someone, online will be my last choice.

    I would send smoke signals or stand on a street corner with a sign saying i am single if someone wants to date me....before i would be online dating.

    I'm not an Internet type of guy.


    I suggest calling an actual dating service and ads in newspapers under the personals....also joining clubs of things that you are interested in....maybe its a walking club, swim group, cooking, etc.


    If i was going to date i would put ads in say 5 or 10 newspapers in and around my area for a few hundred miles.

    Make a new email address just for the people to write to.


    Hypothetically speaking mine would say something like;


    Hello Ladies I am serious about finding love again if it exists.

    I had it once and its the most wonderful feeling but she passed.

    So now I look forward to maybe finding love a second time.

    If you are a true lady, but also like adventure and laughing till you cry, are between 28 and 48 years young, little baggage, fit, can get your hands dirty,but clean up nice, who knows what the future holds.

    Me, I am a the Father of an amazing 5 year old who is my greatest joy.

    Self employed and own a few businesses.

    I prefer small towns and quiet times, over huge cities and noisy places.

    I'm often found fishing and boating or building stuff in my garage, if not working or hanging with my girl, or out for a motorcycle ride, or relaxing with a few friends.

    What do i look like, well I am tall and muscular.

    Average looking I guess.

    I'm clean and tidy and shower at least twice a day.

    I'm quick with a joke, and a damn fine cook to...so if we hit it off I'll make you your favorite meal with my very own hands sometime.


    Write me and include a few details at Greatguyintofino @ gmail.com


    Or something like that.

    And no that isn't my real email adress.


    But online dating sites from all i hear are mostly for hook ups and flings.



  10. 1. My friend for taking Boo all afternoon to play with her kids and hosting a bbq dinner to.


    2. I'm glad for my nice customers all day.


    3. I'm glad i watched a nice, albeit sad movie on tv while relaxing this evening.

  11. 5 is such an inquisitive age. I know my youngest is 4.5 right now and she drives us all nuts with her incessant questions. Sometimes we just have to say "Okay Eden that's enough questions right now, let's go play outside..." or something. I can tell her to go bug her siblings too, it sounds like it's just you two so I'm sure it's even harder not to have another person to help field the questions or distract and redirect.


    Also at that age their thinking is so concrete and specific, they don't really grasp the things like dead is forever, and there is always another why to any answer you give.


    Have you utilized and grief counseling resources? My kids have all had different stages in the last four years where it has been helpful for them to go talk to someone. Or there are even videos and kids books about death and grief that can give some answers. I would think your local hospital/clinic could recommend some resources, or even your public library or if you have a church you are comfortable asking.


    Amy, thank you for writing this.

    I have not been or taken Boo to counseling.

    When I asked her she was very addiment that she did not want to go.

    I'll try asking her again, and look into where.

    Today was better.

    She spent the morning with me at work, then went to a friends to play with her kids in their pool, and when I got done working I joined them for a BBQ she was hosting.

    Not a single tough question today though.

    I'm very appreciative of your reply....Thanks again.

  12. How cruel it is that you dear wife's death was caused by what should be a healthy and a wellness creating activity. I am truly sorry for you tragic loss.


    I can't dispense any advice on parenting- you are at a much advanced skill level already, as I am just learning the ropes with my little girl. I would imagine I would be also honest with my daughter and just admit that I can't answer this question at the moment, but one day we would figure it out together. You already share an incredible bond with your little girl, give yourself a break, not everything is needing an answer at the moment, there is not an imperative "to make sense" of it. It makes no sense.


    Hugs to you and your sweet Kate.


    Thank you.

    I am not used to not having answers for her.

    Basically my world revolves around her.

    She is inquisitive, on many topics....usually I have answers for her.

    But this is her hardest questions yet.

    I'll never get why Jenny is gone.

    So explaining that is impossible for me, because I don't know and I'm 38 not 5.

    This was a rough rough rough day for me.

    I'm hoping tomorrow is better.

    Thanks for this place and you great people where i can vent.


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