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Work drama, life evolution, actualization at almost 6 years


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So, I'm switching depts @my work. The new CFO and I just don't get along. And its not my fault, he's really rude to me and I try, I really try, to step above it. I've never snapped back at him, I'm incredibly polite, but, I could knock him out.

Backstory: I interviewed for 2 positions at my university, one as front desk in the finance offices, the other one as a data entry/grant asst. Both depts offered me a job- finance called me first. But I "clicked" better w/the grant/data entry people. Since I'm getting my degree in acct this fall, I would be happy to work in either dept., finance called first.

Things went great, I was very busy. Then the new cfo showed up, fired my supervisor, re-ordered duties, the whole drill. I was good with the changes, then all my work went away b/c of the restructuring. I went from being busy to nothing. Plus, the cfo was rude to me, our personalities never meshed.

So I kept running into the data entry dept people and they kept telling me to transfer over, so I am. The cfo informed me Weds that he was bringing in his new secretary soon, I told him great, can I apply for a transfer? The grant department would really like to have me.  He was a little stunned, and I smirked like an asshole.  :o So the paperwork is processing and I'm super excited. I'll be over there in a week.  I'll get to help design databases and work on grant research/writing and accounting.

Whew! What a long lead in to my evolution/actualization at this point in my grief journey.

Realization: I want to do what I want to do and I'll do it. I'm not going to tolerate shit behaviour towards me from anyone, no matter your title. And I dont want to waste anyones time. Getting up every morning and going thru that whole process, to just do nothing but the bare basics at work-no. Then deal with his rude ass-no-no-at earning barely above min. wage-no-no-no-I'm not going to waste my time.

Mentally, physically, all around "my universe"-I have other things to do. And I'm selfish about my time, I have to be.

It's this juggle of school, kids, family, life, widowhood that's made me appreciate, me.

I don't quite love myself like I should, SOS widowhood was a brutal blow to my ego. But I tolerate myself better now, my quirks and all.

It's been a hard journey, but I look back at what I was dealt with and I understand it will continue in a different manner. It will evolve, I'll evolve with it. That's all I can do.

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