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  1. I googled this site for whatever reason today and was shocked to see that it was up again! Spent some time reading thru old posts and familiar names - some of whom got me thru almost 12 years ago! Over the past few years I have often wondered how people from here are doing. It will be 12 years in February that I found this site and I can honestly say it was the best resource I have had over the years!
  2. Minny9, It will be 10 years this week since my husband died and I still find some comfort in watching shows about widows and widowers. I guess part of it is seeing how the experience is portrayed and whether or not I can relate. Sometimes I watch and think they are so far off of depicting reality and other times it really resonates with me. I too watch the Unicorn. When it first came out I watched it hoping for comfort and something to relate to. There are a few things that come up on that show that I can relate to but not many. I am now watching Dead to Me on Netflix. While it is pretty far fetched in most areas, there are some things that I can relate to and find funny. Probably more so in the fact that she gets angry at her husband after he's dead when she finds out he had been cheating and how she zones out sometimes when she is stuck in a memory, which I think I still do on occasion. And I have probably watched every Hallmark movie out there and like to think that there is a happy ending like that for everyone! There were others I've watched over the years but can't think of them at the moment!
  3. PsLove - are you talking about "Unique and Devastating Loss" by Wifeless? If so, I found it under newly widowed and it was posted in 2015 I believe. Hope this helps!
  4. This is a great idea - I'd join in if available.
  5. Ending my 5th week at home working remotely. Running out of things to do.... 1. rearranged wall decor in living room (been wanting to do and kept putting off so this is a huge check off my list) 2. grocery shopped (which I am finding very weird these days with masks/gloves) 3. arranged a zoom happy hour for my work friends for tomorrow night so something to look forward to :)
  6. I didn't make it to the speed dating event I had written about, but have been looking out for others in my area. I think I am ready to try and see what happens! Speed dating seems more my thing than online dating - and not sure how you meet anyone "organically" these days so what do I have to lose! If and when I do, I'll give an update! Thanks all for the info.
  7. Thank you all for your responses. Michael, how does it work? After you are done meeting with each, do you get something showing who showed interest in you and who you showed interest in?
  8. I am 8 years out and haven't had any desire to date. Until recently. My kids are grown and most of my time is spent working and helping my elderly parents who live nearby. I need something more in my life. I am not sure if I want to start dating or if I just would like friends to do things with, as most of my friends are married and still busy with kids. I know online dating is not for me and I saw an ad for speed dating. Anyone have any experience with this? It sounds easier and safer than online, but still kinda intimidates me!
  9. I am so saddened to hear this. My heart breaks for Kate and her family. Will be praying for them.
  10. It's been a little over 8 years for me and I think about it occasionally, but not sure yet. It is not out of being loyal to my husband because we didn't have the best marriage, but I just don't know if I can deal with somebody else again. I put up with a lot in our marriage and know I won't ever do that again. If someone came along and it worked out great; if not, I think I'll be perfectly fine alone. Although sometimes it would be nice to have a guy to do things with. I guess only time will tell.
  11. I haven't heard this in a long time. Painting and cleaning today and it brought me to tears - a sobbing mess. Not that it's a terribly sad song, but we both loved it back in the day.
  12. Happy Birthday Arneal!!! Hope you have a great day!!
  13. Congratulations Gracelet!!! So happy for you!!
  14. I do remember Kate. I always enjoyed reading her posts. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear she is doing well.
  15. Bluebird - I am so very sorry for your loss. You both have contributed so much wisdom on this board thru the years and helped so many. You and your family are in my prayers.
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