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NYC - Counselor/Therapist Recommendations


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Hi All,


I was widowed in May 2012, so I've been in the "beyond active grieving" phase for awhile.  But I've had a ton of big changes lately and am really struggling.  I remarried a few months ago, moved with my 5 year old and new hubby across the country to Manhattan, and am newly pregnant.  And WOW, all this change has sent me into a bit of a tailspin and has brought up a lot of grief issues.


Does anyone have recommendations for a grief counselor in Manhattan?  I'd love to find someone who can help me navigate the challenges of starting this next chapter.  I'd also love to find a young widows support group, if anyone has recommendations there as well.







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I was part of a good group at the Center for Loss and Renewal on the Upper West Side. http://www.lossandrenewal.com/ - they also have individual counselors/ therapists so may be worth a try. I lost my husband 6 years ago this week and am now expecting my second child in a couple of weeks so can understand perhaps a little how this can stir up a lot of emotions - not to mention the move. I hope you are settling in. Look out for 'bagos' in the New York/ Long Island/ New Jersey area - there is a great group of very supportive widdas here who meet periodically. I have not been to many events lately but am sure someone will hook you up. I am not aware of a more formal group though in a city of this size one must exist!


Hope you hit your stride soon - wishing you peace and also joy with your growing family

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I went to Helene Bass-Wichelhaus, on East 86th between Lexington and Park (accessible by 4/5/6 train and by cross-town 86th St. bus) for YEARS.  In the immediate death aftermath, I went twice a week.  While seeing her, post-widowhood, I got pregnant by long distance widower boyfriend and moved upstate.  I would never have left her otherwise.  She's great - psychotherapy and psychoanalysis and well-acquainted with grief issues, even if I was her only patient with it (OMG poor woman, having to listen to me!).  Highly recommend.


Edited to add 2 things: please feel free to PM me if you'd like. 


Edited again to add: I'm so jealous that you've moved TO Manhattan and not away from it, like me!

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@lilchicken and @mizpah - Thank you both so much!  This is a huge help!  I love living in NYC but I'm learning that there are TOO MANY options for just about everything.  I tried narrowing the field of counselors by looking at my in-network providers - and that still left 445!  Sheesh!  So it feels great to have a place to start now - thank you!


Best of luck to both you.  It sounds like you've both gone through huge changes of your own!  We saw the little one's heartbeat today so this second baby with the new hubby thing is starting to feel real!  Excited but so emotional.  Gotta love hormones...


Thanks again, ladies.




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