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Widow in a "Sexually Fluid" Age

Guest TheOtherHalf

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Guest TheOtherHalf

So a big part of all of the guff with which I have had to put up in this town came from being a single woman. And staying a single woman. And then having the temerity not to even sleep with someone so that everyone could figure out which way I swing - when clearly I don't swing at all!


This much I know. I was born for trouble. I became a mouse. I shut myself in my house. I spoke only when spoken to. I didn't gossip. Didn't lie, cheat, or steal. What more could I do to stay out of trouble? I mean, everyone knows everything there is to know about me, but they still can't get enough. There's nothing of me left, but they keep circling, keep looking for more pieces of me. Wow. I must be REALLY something. I even let the red fade from my hair so that it became a mousy brown. I don't think I could have let myself become less attractive than I did - and STILL.


There's a gorgeous blonde in town. Single. My age. No one bothers her.


But anyway, here's the latest irony. First, I have finally made some friends and the first friends I have made here have been with the least likely people to become my friends. So it's not all bad. I'm just going a bit mad. Because this has been going on for the fours years I've lived here and I guess I just don't have the patience anymore to strategize.


Well, anyway, finally one of the guys pretty much came right out and asked me if I am gay. He looked genuinely worried that I might take his wife from him. I could see it in his eyes. I shot back that I could not believe his wife would dump a hot guy like him for the likes of me. Well, you could have knocked him over with a feather after that.


So, widows are not just a threat to women with men that they want to keep, but apparently they are also threatening to men with wives that they want to keep.


Also, I decided that yesterday was the day that I was going to make it known to all that I'm simply maxed out on bullshit. I confronted a woman who works for an organization that has been regularly intercepting my internet service. I never pursued this legally, I simply told them to  knock it off. Yet she has continued to deny me services that I am perfectly entitled to, compliments of our government and I finally decided I had enough. So I told her so, and reminded her of her past transgressions towards myself.


I was not surprised to find, at 2:00 a.m., a truck came round to my place and spun about six donuts right in front of  my house before driving off and driving by several times. I just stood at my window and stared like I was bored.


Because this is exactly what the harassment has been like for the past four years. Of course I'm not bored. And even if I'm afraid, I've been terrorized for so long, that I feel desensitized to the very fear that would naturally be evoked under these circumstances. I feel a black rage growing within me.


I have decided that I'm not going to take this lying down anymore. I am going to confront all if it legally. I'm past worrying what's going to happen to me if I don't keep my mouth shut.


I have a case here of systematic discrimination. I am going to address it.


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Guest TheOtherHalf

Thank you. I have reason to be optimistic. The police have been great, and there's one cop in particular who really has my back. Really. Totally comes through every time and came through big time again. God, I'm one lucky broad. Plus, I completely, and I mean totally blew my stack tonight. Years of pent up anger all came raging out. Got a ton of housework done, while I vowed up and down, and to heaven above that I would defend my constitutional right to live as a single woman and exercise in my own home even if it killed me.


Today all of my suspicions as to the reasons for the harassment were confirmed not only by the dashing officer that is my hero, but also the minister's wife - and those are that it absolutely drives some people around the bend that I'm single, and that I exercise in my living room. You cannot believe the lengths they have gone to in order to frighten me into submission.


They want me to get married and stop exercising where they can see me.


I realize that maybe I could put a screen up on my window so that they can't see me, and that really is probably the smartest, most efficient proactive method of handling it, especially if it works. I'm just struggling with giving into every single demand, and nothing seems to be enough.


So, if I give them this, what will be next?  I think the answer is to give in on this one last thing, but no more. I am totally ready to sue all and sundry. I told the cop that even if I lost it wouldn't matter. The suit would be filed and a precedent would be set making it easier for the next person who just isn't allowed to live in peace to sue the shit out of these pea brained megalomaniacs.


Good plan?


Thanks for your words of support. :)

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