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So I'm scared and may be losing my home

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Just got a letter saying my home is being foreclosed on, after spending months trying to get a bill sent to me (I have an old head injury that causes memory issues so I NEED physical bills) so I call the bank and go through all of this and then they tell me I'm STILL not authorized to even discuss the mortgage after months of sending in power of attorney and just...


I don't HAVE over 2,000 to pay to get it out of Wells Fargo.


My parents don't have that kind of money and they've helped me enough.


I'm terrified to ask my inlaws for help because what if they think I'm just after money and I'm just


And I can't even go into the bank because it's Wells Fargo and I'm in Missouri there are no Wells Fargos even near me and I don't know if I should go to my bank, tell work I can't go in tomorrow and try to get my mortgage flipped or ... or ...


I don't understand any of this and I can't breath.

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Definitely try to consult a lawyer and if you have the closing papers on your home, bring them. I had issues with my home because it was just under my husband's name (he made a lot of money and had great credit) however I signed a document when we closed that stated simply that I was his wife and I was thus part owner in the house. That document alone was what enabled me to get it transferred to me once they investigated and into my name without looking into my credit or how little I made compared to my husband.


Good luck to you. I have had good dealings with WellsFargo when we used them in the past. I hope you can get a positive resolution.

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