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This is so stupid

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This such a stupid thing, and maybe a little pathetic.


I just finished watching the final episode of Mad Men.  It was such an emotional and devastating event.


It was the last of 'our' shows still on the air after almost 2 years.  She loved the show and it was such a great show to watch together.  I can remember sitting with her and watching with her and commenting about what we were watching.  She loved the fashion and the home design, decore.  Of course she didn't mind looking at John Hamm either.


Such a contrast of watching so much of this series together and watching the series finale alone.  Nobody to talk to about how it ended and what happened with the characters.  Nobody to share the loss of a whole cast of characters that we have gotten to know and invested in over these many years.  After almost 23 months it is like losing one more little piece of her, one of the few I have left.


I know it is stupid to invest so much into a tv show.  Some people had vacation homes or trips or maybe more significant things to signify their relationship and what they had.  I guess we just weren't that adventurous or exciting a pair, which made us a good couple.  We had neither the money or ambition to be world travelers.  Between work and our son our bonding experiences were through the incredible tv shows like Mad Men. 


Now it is gone and I have nobody to hare that loss with because it only highlights the bigger loss that already happened.  I could almost see her sitting with me watching, almost hear the comments about the dresses the ladies were wearing or the furniture in the houses. 


All this over a stupid TV show.

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I don't find this stupid, at all. My Kenneth was mostly bed bound for the last few years of his life, so we had a number of shows and series we watched together, in the evenings, on the weekends, or sitting in the hospital. I have recently found the strength to go back and watch the final episodes of a number of series we once watched together, and I have cried many tears over the further loss of having the show end and feeling as though another part of him is gone. There are a few shows, I have yet to find the courage to watch, and some I may never see again. Anyway, I just wanted you to know, this is not stupid, not even a little bit, at least from my perspective.

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Not stupid at all. The only one of "our" shows that I still watch is The Blacklist, mainly because I adore James Spader (and I would give anything to be Red's ward or protege or whatever!), and because it was still in its first season when Jim died. I had to stop watching The Walking Dead-- just couldn't take it anymore, we had invested way more in it. Same with some older things we'd been watching on DVD. I so miss having someone to dissect shows with... Hugs.

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Such a contrast of watching so much of this series together and watching the series finale alone.  Nobody to talk to about how it ended and what happened with the characters.  Nobody to share the loss of a whole cast of characters that we have gotten to know and invested in over these many years.  After almost 23 months it is like losing one more little piece of her, one of the few I have left.


I feel you, and I don't think it's stupid. I had a similar experience watching How I Met Your Mother. He loved it, and never got to see how it ended. Same goes for a number of other series, most of which I watched to the end with my best friend after we moved in together as roommates after my DF died. All the time watching I kept thinking "oh he would have loved this" "this answers the question he always thought about when we were watching"... It feels so silly to grieve that he never got to see who the mother actually was in HIMYM. As if I needed more things to grieve about.


Edit, as I just noticed the last comment:


Not stupid at all. That's why it took me almost 2 years to watch a hockey game. We had so much fun doing that together. I completely get it.



THIS. I watched hockey for the first time since his death only a few weeks ago, which too was almost 2 years after his death. He was a huge hockey fan, almost to the point of being fanatical about it. I threw away his hockey fan stuff a long time ago, I couldn't bear to look at it.

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I get this too.  Watching Game of Thrones last year without him was lonely- he was the one who was into it more than me, although we read the books together (well he read them, I skipped through great swaths of the books to read only the stories of characters I liked).  Cutting cable was okay that way (and for GOT fans, it sounds like the show jumped the shark with Sansa so just as well!).  There is one really nerdy show that I introduced my DH to early on in our relationship and I was so pleasantly surprised when he loved it too.  It made me love him more...and now I cannot watch the show without him.  Not once in 18 months.  TV watching was one of the few things we could do together at the end.  It really makes you feel the absence, doesn't it. 

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I so get this.  Mad Men was a favorite of ours for years.  I haven't been able to watch the series finale yet.  It is just so final.  To watch it without him makes it so real that we can never share these times again.  :'(

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