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Everything posted by myjohnny

  1. It was a chance meeting. My sister is doing online dating and met a man who has a long time friend who they thought I might like to meet. From the second we laid eyes on each other it was magic. After three months I can not deny it anymore, I am in love. I feel so very lucky. He is a great guy, divorced nine years, just going the the motions of life, working and raising his daughter. We were two lonely souls that thought love may never come around again. I feel very blessed. I took him to a big family party, on my husbands side and as crazy as that may seem, it was awesome. We have many big events coming up on that side this year and they are events that I want him to attend. Everyone was genuinely happy for me and really liked him. I just wanted to share it with the people I have shared so many
  2. Four years it has been. Pretty much by year three I was thinking will I ever meet anyone? And HOW THE HELL DO YOU MEET? So it happened. My sister met someone on line and they decided to have me meet a friend of his in a group for drinks. The very first time we looked at each other we seemed to click, I do not know where this is going, but I feel I am falling. I keep saying to myself, am I this crazy about him because I was so alone? Over and over I turned this and the answer is NO. He is honest, kind, hard working guy who I think has also had hardships although different than mine, are still deep hurts, bad times in your life, dark times. I honestly believe I deserve to find happiness and so does he. Maybe I will get crushed, but I am 51 and I want to live, he makes me laugh and smile all day. I can talk to him for hours, talking comes easy between us. I went way out there and invited him to my husbands brother's 40th anniversary bash. I also gave this much thought. There are many big events on my husband's side of the family this year, weddings and events that one would bring a date to. I called my mother in law and she was so happy she started crying and asked if she could tell the other kids, lol! He accepted and went with me and his social skills were awesome and we had a super time. Everyone was so extra nice to him,.
  3. I agree too, great choice, perfect. That is how I feel when I meet a wid or talk to one here. There is an instant heartfelt bond. The unspoken, "I know, it is really, really bad" but I will walk it with you.
  4. Hey there, I missed you all. I have had a hard time following what was going on. I took my first extened break (of about three weeks) and came back to find everything had changed! Thank you for setting this up girls! I consider this place a part of me and I initially paniced1 I have had too many learning curves lately, every electronic I own has broken in the past five weeks and... My husband John died four years ago February 15th. I found this site out of sheer and utter desperation, it was my life line, it IS what let me know I was not clinically crazy. It has been a really long, really challenging road, but I do not know how I could have survived all the trials and all the things that fell apart because he died without you dear, dear fellow wids.
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