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  • Date Widowed
    oct 18 2014
  • Cause of death
    heart attack

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  1. Thanks for this post hachi His name was Don or as he would like to be refered to as Donnie Awesome I do miss hearing his name said
  2. 1. Got through Christmas ..Such an usual one this year with Zoom met ups and drive by present drop offs. Made me feel like everyone in this 2020 could feel a bit of the sadness we all feel this time of year but still put a brave face to it 2. Made plans to do a few more present/cookie exchanges today 3.Went for a walk in the woods with my dog and meet up with her doggie buddies ,always feels good to get out Hope everyone had a good Christmas or at least made it as good as it could be Take Care
  3. 1. Got up and took a shower , yup this stay at home thing can make that something that is not needed. 2.Made sure I got in touch with friends with either face time or text ..much needed 3. Went outside to take a breath and play with the pooch , just to get away from the news
  4. Thanks for starting this post, it is much needed at this time. I am Nancy and my husband Don died 5 years ago of a sudden heart attack. He had just turned 51 the week before. This board and the people on it ,helped me more then I think they even know. Please continue to reach out and let us all know we are not in this alone.
  5. Thank you for the post. It is such a tough time to be going through losing someone you loved especially at the beginning. When everything becomes a bit of a new challenge and now having to self quarantine. I am hoping more people check in with each other and like brokenheart 2 said feel free to ask questions or just tell people what you are feeling Even if that feeling is a bit numb. Stay safe and stay on touch
  6. I am so sorry and I am sure having to be isolated at this particular time when you need people the most has to add to all that you are going through. Feel free , like hachi wrote , to Pm me also Reaching out here is a good start and I will try and check back '
  7. I am so sorry that you have to be a part of this group but I do hope this helps any way it can. Remember you are doing the best you can and by just putting one foot in front of the other is sometimes an accomplishment and some days you may not even want to do that . if possible when people offer to help Please take then up on it ! it does help them and you. hugs to you and your children
  8. Virgo : So well said . It seems that sometimes when you feel you have a full tank of gas ,emotionially, one small or not so small hiccup sets it back to empty. Having to deal with all of the things in life is so hard. Before we had someone we loved for back-up and this is truly missed.
  9. Good for you and to all of us who made it through this holiday, how ever you did it
  10. 1. Got my snowblowers to work despite not test driving them before the 2 feet of snow 2.I was proud of myself that I just didn’t stay in my comfy bed and ignore the storm but got up and got things done ! 3.Actually ended up enjoy the snow after all the work was done. helps having a black lab that adores the snow
  11. I was a bit sad about how silent this has gotten , so I decided to bring up an old favorite : Three things I did today 1. I got up , yay for me 2. Meet with friends and family at a christmas fair , yes I know a bit early .. 3. I was able to get my house ready for winter , putting away lawn mowers and (ugh ) getting snow blowers out I am not going to lie these things are always hard, as this in the past ,this was never my job but as we all know we do our best Fell free to add anything that got you through the day
  12. love2fish- Thanks so much for putting in the effort ! Sorry it didn't work out this time !
  13. Laurie27- I do remember this . I think in the beginning you are in shock and your body and brain are in auto pilot. Once some time goes by it hits harder as the reality of this can't be avoided...like they really aren't coming home...sigh. but keep doing what you can , getting out everyday ,even if just for cat food :) is a good way to keep connected. Becoming isolated is so tempting but can be hard to get out of that habit once it starts Don't get me wrong hunkering down on the couch watching netflix for hours can also sooth the soul. Hugs to you
  14. Yes labor day is a tough one , it would’ve been out 28 th wedding anniversary...ugh but I made sure it was filled with distractions and I also allowed myself a day to just feel whatever I needed to feel . Hugs to you all who found this weekend a little harder then most
  15. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. Please keep reaching out here , we will be here to help
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