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Posts posted by Virgo

  1. Love2fish, I agree that so many people haven't experienced true love. I've met so many men jaded by past experiences. 


    I could be way off, but the woman you spoke with was probably implying that you were looking for a "replacement" wife. I've talked to a few guys who had that mentality towards me too. Like I was looking for an instant husband, father figure, provider, or warm body. 


    I've even had a few guys tell me they were uncomfortable dating a widow. Dating divorcees is more the norm. I was glad they were up front about it right away. 

  2. I'm sort of to the point of fizzling out. I completely understand. The weather here has been rainy and gloomy. We're supposed to have some sunshine tomorrow and Monday. Hopefully that will make me more motivated. Tentatively, I'll be returning to work May 2nd. We'll find out for sure Monday. I live in Indiana. Michigan and Illinois have already extended their stay at home orders beyond the 2nd.

  3. It's hard for me to be still too. I need to keep my mind preoccupied. 


    Painted my livingroom, entryway, hallway, daughter #2's room, daughter #3's room, my office closet, game room in basement, and another wall in the basement. 


    5 shelves installed, 3 new bathroom fans, 2 new light fixtures, 2 cedar walls installed.


    Stained my desk, a few frames, and a few shelves.


    Organizing my filing cabinet. 


    Organized my closet, purged and organized in the basement. 


    Still a lot more to do. My body is beat though 😂

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  4. Do any of you have a senior this year? My middle daughter is a 2020 graduate.  When they announced that our school district wouldn't be going back to school she broke down in tears. No seeing her friends until the end of the school year, no senior skip day, no senior pranks, no prom, and graduation is uncertain. 


    Of course being the parent I'm most concerned about graduation. She earned that walk to accept her diploma. I really hope that our school district reschedules a later date. One comment that she made that hurt me was, "I was somewhat mentally prepared for dad not being there to see me accept my diploma, but I wasn't prepared for the rest of my family not to. " 😢

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  5. 1. Sanding for refinishing projects. 


    2. Made Easter dinner.


    3. Movie night with my daughters. 


    I've been feeling really lonely the past few days, but I still try to make myself do something productive. Just in a funk. A year ago today we buried my parents cremains. Missing all of them just seems intensified since I'm at home quarantined. 

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  6. 1. More painting. Livingroom, and started my 12yo's bedroom. 


    2. Cleared out the weight room in our basement so we could start working out at home.


    3. Watching a movie with my daughters to unwind before bed. 


    Productive day 18

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  7. Love2fish, what if you email them for awhile and then ask if they would like to talk on the phone? It's not quite the same as meeting in person, but more personable than emailing. 


    Side note, since you like fishing you should check out 9K Elite Lures on Facebook. Little plug for a small business owner who I know. 🙂

  8. A dating break is what I was wanting, but somehow being forced into it is somehow different. 😂 A little more isolating when I can't even go out and do things on my own. 


    The men contacting me now just don't seem as sincere to me since we can't really go out, or do anything. Underwhelming.

  9. The quarantine is showing me once again who is truly there for me. I've been thinking about that a lot. It makes me want to pull back away from the people who I initiate contact with. I've also been thinking about my husband and parents. What their thoughts would have been about the quarantine. My husband was a K9 officer, so he would have been excluded from the quarantine. Just a lot of random things.


    I've been going through my house organizing and purging. I moved the last few things of my husband's out of my closet. I went through my mom's jewelry box. I'm refinishing it to use instead of mine. I'm getting a lot accomplished that I never have time for. 

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  10. Hi everyone! My name is Jen. I became a widow at 38 years old, six years ago. My husband was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and died four months after diagnosis. 


    I have three daughters, 20, 18, and 12. My work officially closed Monday. My daughters have been home longer. They are all extremely worried and anxious about the virus. They didn't just lose their dad in the past six years. My mom died three months before my husband, ALS. My dad died last year, stroke. They've seen a lot of medical facilities, ill people, funeral homes, too much. 


    I'm trying to distract them with house projects. Doing something physical always helps me. We're going to be doing a lot of cleaning, purging, organizing, and painting. We're all excited about getting the house more organized and updated. 

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  11. 1. Laundry, laundry, and more laundry. 


    2. Purging! We're all going through our bedrooms. I went through my closet. Shared rooms next!


    3. Took an inventory of the food we have, and what we might need. I also took an inventory of supplies we need to finish the projects on our lists. 


    Productive day 2 of quarantine (for me).


  12. I believe that I have enough provisions to get my family through two to three weeks of quarantine if it comes to that. Our immune systems aren't compromised, so I'm not as concerned about the virus. I'm more concerned about how people are reacting. I believe this will be over as soon as the media loses interest in covering it. 

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  13. It was very insensitive and immature of her. A true friend would be happy that her friends found true love whether they do or not. I feel blessed to have found that type of love. Many people don't. If I never do again it will still make my heart happy to see others in love. 

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