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Posts posted by Lisa

  1. Everyone processes differently. My process would not include setting a date. But thats me.  I took it off and put it back on for quite awhile.  I didn't wear it daily when he alive but after I removed it after he died i felt the weight of emptiness  on my finger. I cant remember the last time I even looked at it but I still need to wear some sort of  ring there so I  can fiddle with it. I even wore it on early  dates. It is mine after all. I guess i had utveady because it wasnt a traditional band.

    experiment when you feel the urge to try.

  2. Some people take a lot longer. Therapy doesnt always work as quickly as we would like. I have to do all celebrations differently now. We adjust and then readjust. My steoppdaughter made such a scene at mothers day we decided she just wont do it any more.  If she's in a bad way on a holiday we will do it with out her. You may wish to change the way you date and try not to combine families until they are in a better place. Im not saying dont date but I wouldn't combine families yet. They need to catch up to where you are. A childs loss is different.good  luck

  3. I wonder if you considered yourself decisive before? I was used to making decisions. Then I moved into a ready made family so he was the big decision maker. For me I think it is an extention of my anxiety. I have a few advisors but I hate getting unsolicited advice.

  4. Sending hugs. The 3rd and 4th were a bigger struggle for me than the 2nd. At that point I was just so relieved the 1st was over. Im about to hit my 6th and I have to say most of my distress isnt because of widowhood.  Ill be miserable for the anniversary I expect and then contunue on. Hang on...

  5. The 1st year ip I  had a Mass and brunch. The 2nd breakfast with my parents and Mass.  It was a week day. Then we moved to having a meal at a favorite place of his. I find for us it is good to have a plan but not too extragavant, no plan is a disaster. Anything too involved with other people or specific doesnt work. I have to consult with his kids. They arent up for much. #6 is coming up in a few weeks. We havent decided yet.

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