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moving day


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Today we moved into my house. I was a complete bitch to everyone, in part because I was confronted with all "our" stuff for the first time in months and because I was aggravated over something I have no right to be aggravated over. I'm mad at Dan. I am completely swamped at work. The stove doesn't work. The washer dryer wasn't hooked up properly so it sprays water everywhere. The movers refused to move the piano downstairs. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of being alone. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to be alone the rest of my life. Taking care of messes, fixing things. Absorbing everyone's complaints, because apparently that's all I'm good for. There are a million things to do, there are ALWAYS a million things to do and I don't feel like doing any of it.



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I just wish I could come and be your #2 for some of this.  Crap fact is - I can't realistically do that. Moving is a tremendous and often overwhelming undertaking.  I so wish you did not have to face that all on your own.  People are often bitches on moving day - don't feel bad about that at all. 


Sending you one HUGE cyber hug.  How on earth are you supposed to move a piano down a flight of stairs?  What is the purpose of piano movers if they are not willing to preform this task?  It isn't YOU, MrsDan...

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Sweet friend, you are so brave. You can do this (and I wish I could just have come and helped). All of your feelings are beyond justified.  Hang on; I'm always here if you want an ear.  xx

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