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Anyone color for grief?


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Anyone else color for grief? I started about a year and a half ago- and it's been my sanity.


I've found this to be true...

Coloring Reduces Stress And Anxiety

Coloring allows relaxation of the center right hemisphere of your brain ? (which is the processing area of negative emotions, such as fear, anxiety and sadness). The relaxation continues even after you are done coloring since that part of your brain is rested and can help reduce your stress level overall.

Coloring is a free time, meditative, activity, that you can schedule, making it perfect for retraining your brain to respond less harshly to stress.


Coloring Trains Your Brain To Focus

Staying inside the lines takes focus, but not so much that it's stressful.

Coloring opens up the frontal lobe ? which is the brain?s home base for organizing and problem solving. It helps to focuses the mind by allowing the person coloring to forget their worries since your task is only to select a color first and then your main focus is staying within the lines.

*Being able to live in the moment is a critical skill, and coloring trains you to put everything else aside for the time you spend doing it.


Try it..I think you'll be amazed...





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My son had brain surgery 6 years ago. I took an adult coloring book and colored pencils with me. I colored my way through the wait for his surgery. It kept me sane, especially when his surgery took several hours longer than anticipated due to his waking up during surgery.


I haven't retried it since my husband died, but if it will help my concentration and focus, I will need to try it again.


Thank you for the suggestion.

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